Session 083 - Vermin under the Amphitheater Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 083 - Vermin under the Amphitheater

General Summary

5th to 22nd of Peonu (Spring) 722TR

The story so far

Acheron and friends are traveling to the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere to collect a magical Silver Sword. Additionally, Acheron is instructed by the head of his Order to deliver some letters to the Leader of the Hârnic Church of Larani in the City of Thay.

The continuation of Session 82 - The Demon in the Sword.

Location - City of Thay in the Kingdom of Melderyn.

Part 1 - Acheron and the Primate

Priest Orn Dessa, art by Artbreeder
After arriving in Thay, Acheron immediately makes his way to the Temple of Larani (The Cathedral of New Hope) for his meeting with the Lirrath (the Hârnic Primate). He feels he is closely watched as he enters the temple and walks past the statues of his Warlock patron Mendiz.

The Primate's Secretary Orn Dessar arranges a meeting promptly but firmly warns Acheron that the Lirrath is old and frail. "Do not upset her." He will speak with Acheron on another matter after the meeting.

Kerthede Talvail.png
Kerthade, art modified by Attacus
The Lirrath Kethede Talvail warmly greets Acheron and appears to know who he is and much of his background. She asks Acheron a series of pointed and difficult questions testing his ethics and morality. She seems happy with most of his responses, wishes him the best for the future, and gifts him a Holy Book from her library, an old copy of The Parables - the Declaration of Holy Honor.

Before leaving the Temple, the Primate's Secretary, Orn Dessar, informs Acheron that Master Alfric, the leader of the Thespian Company of Esaldin in the City of Tashal, needs help. He has reported strange shadowy creatures, with glowing red eyes, in the Royal Amphitheatre. Several actors have also recently disappeared, and Acheron is asked to investigate when he passes through that City on the way to the Dwarven kingdom.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 2 - The Amphitheatre

Master Alfric, art by Artbreeder
The party arrives at the City of Tashal and finds the Royal Amphitheatre filled with entertainers rehearsing. Sabretooth pet Ivashu Smeg attracts a lot of interest from the young female Thespians. They want him to be given a part in one of the plays. Acheron quickly locates Master Alfric. Interviewing him and several young stagehands, he learns that shadowy forms have been seen around the Amphitheatre always at night. They were about 4 ft tall with beady red eyes. Several Thespians have mysteriously disappeared on dark nights.

The party is given a key to the Amphitheatre, and after midnight begin investigating. They search the change and rehearsal rooms but find nothing suspicious. In the prop storage room, Avon finds a well-hidden logbook. This is an inventory record for the storeroom, with the last record dating back six months ago with a reference of a donation from a Galiene Roose. Two items of note are underlined, Six Dirty Fur Cloaks and a Strange Metal Ring decorated with animal shape inscriptions. These items were missing from the prop room.

Avon measures the rooms and discovers there is a wide space under the stairwell. On closer inspection, he finds a concealed switch when turned opens a secret door revealing a staircase heading down.

Part 3 - The Amphitheatre of the Long Past

Desridaen, art by Emiroth
Before the party enters the secret passage, Quazzy disappears. Her warlock Patron Desridaen makes an appearance showing her the past. She sees the Ancient City of Tashal, then known as the Elven City of Meyvinel, nearly 3,000 years ago. It is a beautiful settlement of gardens and canals surrounded by a ring of gigantic trees. The Amphitheatre, built by the Dwarves, has not changed significantly over the centuries. Quazzy and Desridan attend an Elven play, joined by Elves plus a few Dwarves and Jarinese Humans.

Part 4 - Rats and More Rats

Meanwhile, the rest of the party descended the steps finding a series of rat-infested passageways. Many of these rats were the size of dogs. Sabretooth and Avon received several nasty festering bites as they make short work of the vermin.

Further on, the passages open into a small chamber. Inside are yet more rats, except two which were humanoid in shape, rat-human hybrids. The heroes attack. Sabretooth and Avon observe that the Ratmen heal their wounds at an alarming rate. However, Acheron's Silversword seems to cause permanent injuries. The heroes speculate that these may not be true Lycanthropes. They may be humans wearing magical skins, having previously encountered a Morivian Skin. The party batter and grapple the Ratmen to the ground, and before they fully heal, Avon grabs at their fur and skillfully rips it from their bodies. After a tearing sound, the fur transforms into dirty cloaks and leaving unconscious wounded men behind.

After medical treatment from Sabretooth, one of the men regains consciousness and describes his ordeal. He was a Bard, Therin, who visited the Amphitheatre at night and was knocked out by a dark shape. From then, everything is hazy, and the last thing he remembers is being in a cage and a gigantic man with a glowing ring somehow sapping his will. That was six months ago, and the man looked like thespian companies Grip, Eldon Farbeck, but he also remembers him looking like an enormous rat.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

The Primate's Secretary Orn Dessar.

Kethede Talvail.

Master Alfric - Actor, playwright, and Leader of the Thespian Company of Esaldin.

The Bard Therin - Former Ratman.

Challenges Overcome

Acheron performed well with the Primate.

Found a logbook and the secret door.

Defeated 21 Giant rats, 5 Rats, and 2 "Wererats."

Created Content

Kethede Talvail.

Tashal Royal Amphitheatre.

Related Reports

The Argent Order.


City of Tashal - Minor updates.

Desridaen, Demi-god.

Players Character Status

Avon - Level 6 Thief.

Acheron - Level 3 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 4 Ivashu Lord and Level 2 Monk

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 10 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
24 May 2020
Primary Location
City of Tashal
Secondary Location
City of Thay

Smeg the Nukaz

Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.png

Nukaz, by Attacus

Holy Book

The Parables - the Declaration of Holy Honor.

This book containing stories about the lives and miracles of the Churches Patron saints with a focus on the Orders of the Checkered Shields and the Western Hârnic Church.

Game Rules

+2 to Religion Checks involving the Church of Larani.

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