Session 082 - The Demon in the Sword Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 082 - The Demon in the Sword

General Summary

15th to 30th of Nuzyael (Spring) 722TR

The story so far

While taking part in an exorcism of a powerful cursed magical weapon, Acheron, Avon, and Sabretooth are threatened by a Demon. He demands that they break the magic circle holding him at bay. The Heroes refuses, and suddenly everything goes dark.

They have been transported to what looks to be the Izora Mines. In these Mines, they have encountered undead versions of enemies they killed months ago.

The continuation of Session 81 - Return to the Mines of Death.

Location - Izora Mines and the Abbey of St Andrada.

Part 1 - Its Raining Dead

The voice of the Demon interrupts the hero's deliberations, offering them another chance to submit. All they have to do is kill themselves, and they will have 13 lives of Undeath and never age. It will only cost them their soul and monthly blood sacrifices. The heroes rudely refuse for a second time.

Acheron believes that the party's souls may have been transported to Yashain, the Plane of the Gods, and reformed as physical bodies. Powerful divine and demonic entities can manipulate the reality of this magical world and create constructs tailored to their personality and will. Acheron is convinced that although this Demonic entity is powerful, it will not be able to maintain this replication of the Mine it has created for much longer.

Suddenly from the tunnels above the Mines, the remaining occupants, mostly Skeletons and Zombies, plummeting into a bloody macabre pile. The twitching corpses and broken body parts contort, twist then quickly merge into a large composite undead monstrosity. This Mangle attacks with misshapen limbs, severely damaging Sabretooth, but it is dismembered and destroyed.

Part 2 - The Demon Emerges

Sword Demon, by ajmanzanedo
Before the party can recover, the Demon from the Sword appears from a grey mist. It is surrounded by a Zone of Decay that saps the wounded heroes' life force, and just looking at it causes them considerable pain. When it turned its gaze on Sabretooth, it nearly stopped his heart from beating. The heroes were within seconds of death when at the last moment, Acheron strikes a killing blow with his Silver Sword.

Erdin Toradas, by Artbreeder
The heroes immediately reappear within the ceremony chamber at Abbey of St Andrada. The exorcism is still ongoing, but nearing completion. The demonic entity has been weakened, and the Exorcist Erdin Toradas skillfully traps it in a Shield of Belsirasin Dream Box.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
17 May 2020
Primary Location

Smeg the Nukaz

Nukaz - the Marrow Feeder.png

Nukaz, by Attacus

Location - City of Aleath in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 3 - Strange events at the Fish Market

Meanwhile, Quazzy decides to experiment. She wants to test the limits of her social manipulation talent. In the fish market near Xuaka Square, she begins creating chaos using spells combined with her ability to deceive. The local Fishermen are confused but not harmed. They now have started the tradition of adding a white fish symbol to their hats or clothing. This white fish is remarkably similar in shape to Quazzy's warlock patron Desridaen's White Dagger symbol.

Quazzy hears the voice of her patron, and he is well pleased. He tells Quazzy she "will be rewarded soon with a show."

Location - The Abbey of St Andrada in the Kingdom of Kanday.

Part 4 - Instructions

Father Chavoshka, by Artbreeder
A week later, after recovering from the ordeal at the exorcism, Acheron meets with Father Chavoshka, the head of his Order. He receives his final instruction before traveling to the Dwarven Kingdom of Azadmere to get his personalized Silver Sword forged.
  • He is to travel to Azadmere by ship to the Kingdom of Melderyn then by land through the Kingdoms of Chybisa and Kingdom of Kaldor.
  • At the City of Thay he is to deliver letters to the Primate, the head of the Church of Larani on Hârn. He may receive some instructions there.
  • He is given a letter to be presented to the Dwarven Crown Prince at the Fortress of Zerhun. This should grant him the right of passage into the Dwarven Kingdom.
  • He will meet with Dwarven weapon crafters who will forge his custom Silver Sword and another five others for other members of the Order.
  • He will then return the swords to the Abbey of St Andrada to they can be consecrated by the Pontiff.

Location - On the Sea traveling in the Merchant Ship the Lucky Wind.

Part 5 - Sea Devils

The party board, the merchant vessel, the Lucky Wind, then set sail for Melderyn. One afternoon they are attacked. Out of the ocean, seven large, demonic-looking humanoid fish-men emerge and attempt to harpoon characters and drag them into the deep. Several sailors were killed, but the party and crew were able to repel them. Sabretooth, however, had an unexpected bath. Quazzy believes these were Merrow, Merfolk corrupted by demonic powers.

To be continued.....

NPC Interactions

Erdin Toradas - Exorcist.

Father Chavoshka head of the Abbey of St Andrada.

The Crew of the Lucky Wind.

Challenges Overcome

1 Mangle

Reskinned Bodak as the Demon.

Quazzy modified a culture in a small way.

7 Merrows

Created Content

Xuaka Square - just a town market.

Yashain, world of the Gods.

Related Reports

Izora Mines.

Kliagragon Donir - the Sword that Devours - updated.

Abbey of St Andrada.

The Argent Order.

Shield of Belsirasin.

Players Character Status

Avon - Level 6 Thief.

Acheron - Level 3 Paladin and Level 3 Warlock Disciple of Mendiz.

Sabretooth - Level 4 Ivashu Lord and Level 2 Monk

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 10 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

Cover image: by Attacus


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