Session 098 - The Black Mirrors Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 098 - The Black Mirrors

General Summary

1st of Agrazhar (Last Month of Summer) 722TR

The story so far

Demonic gnome-like monsters, the Seven Instigators of Macabre Mockery, have appeared in a Mine. They have caused havoc, turning the Slave Miners and Guards into psychotic killers. The Heroes, accompanied by the Priestess of Agrik Arina, plan to put a stop to this carnage.

The continuation of Session 97 - Evil Little Psychos.

Location - Basalt Quarry in the Earldom of Ithiko in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 1 - The Blood Blob

The heroes continue their investigation through the Porphyry Mine, finding a rickety bridge overlooking a deep chasm. Yureb spots a suspicious quantity of blood sticking to the roof. This quickly animates into some sort of Blood Ooze, which drains the blood from the heroes with every attack while another one of the vile gnome-like Spree Demon strikes from the shadows.

The Blood Ooze is impervious to Athena's Sword attacks but is quickly destroyed by magic and well-timed piercing strikes. However, it evaporates, turning into a bloody mist, which envelopes the Heroes. This deludes the heroes into thinking that they have been shrunk down to miniature size, allowing the Demon to inflict additional mental trauma with each attack. Quazzy catches the Demon in her telekinetic grasp, and it is eventually slain.

Yureb determines that the rickety bridge will not support the heavily armored Heroes, so Quazzy telekinetically transports them over the other side. The Chasm is 40 ft deep, and lying in the bottom Yureb finds the skeletal remains of several slaves, one concealing five uncut gems.

Part 2 - Hall of Dark Mirrors

The Party comes to the end of the Porphyry Mine. This section has large glossy black-purple Porphyry sheets lining the walls. From these, so-called Stygian Mirrors, three more Spree Demons step out. The Mirrors begin to vibrate, creating a distracting aura causing intense headaches and momentary madness, compelling the Heroes to strike their friends. Although the Priestess Arina is almost killed, these horrors are eventually destroyed. The Porphyry Mirrors crumble into dust.

Arina performs a magical fire ceremony on the Mine, hoping that it will prevent any further intrusion from the Demonic Planes.

Part 3 - The Mine Owners arrive

The Heroes leave the Mine and enter the Basalt Quarry. Representatives of the Mines Owners have arrived. The Master Miner Grenvoli, of the Miners Guild, and a Priest of the Church of Morgath, accompanied by guards are surveying the dead bodies and unconscious slaves. They demand an explanation from Athena. Not in the mood diplomacy, Athena asserts her authority as the Constable of the region. She quickly overawes the men, even extracting a small reward for her friends for clearing the Mine of threats and also secures the freedom of the surviving slaves.

Location - Castle of Ithiko in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 4 - At the Castle

Priestess Yiolya, art by Artbreeder
The Heroes return to Castle Ithiko. Athena instructs the guards guarding Sir Terrik Garneet and the other captured Red Shadows of Hepra lay off the abuse and treat the prisoners better. Sir Terrik's warnings of the Demon incursion were correct and may have saved many lives.

Yiolya the Priestess of Morgath from the nearby Shrine meets with Athena. She thanks her for securing the Mine. She comments that her priests may have been of assistance if made aware of the problem. Yiolya claimed that the information regarding this Demonic risk may have been in a book which was unfortunately stolen some years ago.

Down Time Activities

The Heroes have a couple of months downtime.


Continues is preparations to rob King Chafin's Royal Castle in the City of Golotha. The King is known to have an enchanted Sword believed adorning the Royal Bedchamber.


Spends time as the Constable getting to know to be people of her domain, the Barony of Ithiko. She sets up a small but effective network of information using people from all social stations and the Mercenary Companies she recruited.


Undertakes research into Fairy Circles or holy groves. She is interested in possibly utilizing them for their lore and rapid transportation. She uncovers two likely groves in the region.

To be continued....

NPC Interactions

Arina Delauer - Priestess Of the female clerical Order of Kukshin.

Master Miner Grenvoli.

Yiolya, Priestess of Morgath.

Challenges Overcome

Defeated a chaotic mob of Berserk Guards and Slave Miners.

Defeated 3 Elite Spree Demons.


Five uncut Gems.

Related Reports

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer.

Order of Kukshin.

Shrine of Aekluhaya (Temple of Morgath).

Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 16 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 16 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 11 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
23 Aug 2020

NPC Companions

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Priestess Arina, art by Artbreeder

Priestess Arina Delauer of the Order of Kukshin

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