Earldom of Ithiko Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Earldom of Ithiko

Some of the inspiration and details are derived from Colombia Games.

The Earldom of Ithiko consists of the Barony of Ithiko held by Earl Herrin Barzak and the Barony of Zaza held by Baron Paque.

Earl Herrin Barzak is a loyal supporter of the crown, however, he is generally disliked and has few powerful friends. He is consumed with hatred for the Earl of Tormau who recently stole Ithius keep, a large part of his domains. Herrin’s eldest son, Geyal, has been imprisoned for treason after intriguing with the Earl of Tormau.

Herrin’s second son, Nemiran, has been named as heir.

Map of the Ithiko Barony

Barony of Ithiko


Traditional Feudal Barony and seat of the Earl of Ithiko.

Public Agenda

Loyal supporters of the Crown.

Regain the Barony of Ithius.

Destruction of the Earl of Tormau.

Boost defenses and military in the event of civil war.


Castle Ithiko

Balsha’s shrine - Temple of Morgath.

It is rumoured that the undead remains of the Prophet Balsha haunt the shrine.

The Observatory of the Fiery Prince - Temple of Agrik

This temple of the Order of Hepra the Mace is the settlement oldest structure, incorporating an old astrological observatory dating back to the days of the Corani Empire.

Basalt and Porphyry Quarries.

This good quality heavy black Basalt and glossy black-purple porphyry is particularity popular in construction in the City of Golotha and for statuary.

Stygian Dye

Stygian Dye is a popular intense black dye obtained from Morgaths's Crawlers, a large crab found only around of the local Mangroves.

Excellent Fisheries

Additional Holdings

Abeggy Manor which has Port facilities. However, sea traffic is harassed by pirates.

Alwyn Manor

Benik Manor

Cedury Manor

Fareth Manor and Clasdy Hamlet

Additionally 6 minor holdings scattered thoughout Rethem

Minor Vassals

Deya Manor, Haudy Hamlet and Avonal Manor held by Clan Hamlen.

Karvu Manor, held by Clan Karvunny.

Lemior Manor, held by Clan Darjavau.

Munt Manor, held by Clan Houldy.

Major Vassals

Barony of Zaza

Zaza keep and 11 holdings held by Baron Paque.


401TR - Ithiko was built as a supply port for Corani Empire. However, within 100 years silting filled the cove.

648TR - King Arlun improved the defenses and turned it into a royal castle.

520TR - The Morgathic Prophet Balsha is born in Ithiko.

538TR - Prophet Balsha is impaled, sparking the Balshan Jihad, and his remains are said to be interred in local shrine.

673TR - King Nemiran created the Earldom and granted it to Clan Barzak.

713TR - The Earl of Tormau bribes the bailiff of the Barony Ithius, one of Clan Barzak holdings, which changes allegiance infuriating the Earl.

714TR - The Earl hired the mercenary company of the Argent Wyvern.

718TR - The Earl's eldest son, Geyal and is wife are imprisoned for treason allegedly for conspiring with the Earl of Tormau.


Castle Garrisons supplemented by weak yeomanry and militias.

Company of the Argent Wyvern.

One company of Royal Foresters.

Possible use of one company of Order of the Red Shadows of Hepra.

Vassal military levies.

Agriculture & Industry

Ithiko’s economy is floundering as bandits and pirates have effectively isolated the Barony. Trade caravans and boats require heavily armed guards and use royal foresters as guides.


Stygian dye, back basalt, porphyry, quality leather goods, wool, and smoked sausages, hams, and fish.

Other Income

Pilgrims to Balsha's Shrine, a small Temple of Morgath, provide additional revenue.

The Company of the Argent Wyvern is not above enforcing additional "taxes" on the baronies poor or smaller merchants.

To live is to serve


  • Barony of Ithiko
Geopolitical, Barony
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Company of the Argent Wyvern

Argent Wyvern CoA
by Columbia Games

Articles under Earldom of Ithiko


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