Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer Organization in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

Some of the inspiration and details is derived from Colombia Games and the Hârn Religion Team (HRT) Archive.

The all-female Agrikan fighting order and sponsored by the female clerical Order of Kukshin. They are famous for their fluid fighting style which is more like a Battle Dance.

The orders headquarters at the Orbaalese keep of Quimen and draws most of its recruits from martially inclined Ivinian shieldmaidens and Noblewomen from the west who are disenchanted with their subservient role in society.

The order is infamous for its brutal treatment of its Jarin thralls and is feared by menfolk everywhere.


Akarata – Grandmistress Head of the Order
The current Akarata is Baliela Shernath, the strong and merciless older sister of the assassin of Kanday's Queen Eriel.

Tenaka – Deputy Grandmistress.

Mekata – High Commander, assists the Akarata and responsible for leading recruitment missions.

Telmen – Knight Commanders who Leads the Knights. The order has 4 Telmen.

Haragki – Knight.

Dotelen – Sub-commander Commands multiple Octads of infantry.

T’kelans – Sergeant Leads an Octad.

Laumak – Common Soldier.

Public Agenda

Honor the god Agrik and promote his principles especially victory in combat.

Strengthen the order by recruitment of female warriors and acquisition of lands.

Establish a presence in the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Rethem.

Punish and Intimidation of men who wrong worthy women.

Encourage the concept of merit-based promotion.


Kingdom of Orbaal

Quimen Keep
1 Chapter House
3 Vassal Clanholds

Thardic Republic

Hostel of in the city of Shiran


Quimen Keep

1 Company of Knights (16 women)
½ Squadron of Light Calvary (4 women)
8 Octads of Medium Infantry (64 women)
2 Octads of Light Infantry (16 women)
2 Octad of Short bowmen (16 women)

Chapter House

1 Company of Knights (16 women)
½ Squadron of Light Calvary (4 women)
2 Octads of Light Infantry (16 women) each

Vassal Clanholds (3)

~5 Medium Infantry each
~10 Light Infantry each.

Temple Guards

(Major Temples at Quimen, Thursa, Geldeheim)
1 Knight each
1 Octad of Medium Infantry (8 women) each


Strategic Reserve

(Made up of Clergy and retired members)
7 Knights and 30 Infantry
30 Priestess

Resources and Financing

Good quality Iron Mine
Quality Timber
Abundant Hides
Potential Slaves (Local Jarinese Thralls who fail to pay their taxes on time).
Income from assassination for hire missions
Income from donations from the faithful
Income and military service from Vassal Clanholds


605 to 629TR - Early days, the Sisters of Crimson

A group of women in Shiran was so troubled by the social chaos and dangers of the times decided to take their defense into their own hands. Arming themselves, they vowed that they would stand together to fight off any man who would harm them. This band called itself the Sisters of Crimson.

By the mid 620s as law returned to the Shiran region many women choose to leave the Sisters and return to a normal life. Those who remained were overwhelmingly Agrikan in their religious leanings.


630 to 640TR - Formation of the Crimson Dancers

Around 630TR Shiran government was putting a stop to illegitimate military organizations and demanded the Sisters of Crimson to disband. The Sisters refused, immediately proclaiming themselves to be a Religious fighting order pledged to the service of Agrik. They changed their name to Sisterhood of The Crimson Dancer and as religious fighting orders were expected to have a sponsoring clerical order, a few Sisters proclaimed themselves to be Agrikan priestesses founding the Order of Kukshin.


640 to 682TR - Relocation to Rethem

In the 640s the Orders pledged support to King Arlun (the Barbarian) of Rethem which made them very unpopular in Shiran, given Arlun was invading so they decide it would be wise to migrate to Rethem. They loyally supported the Rethemi Crown however they were never granted any lands.


682 to 697TR Ezar's War

During Ezar's war against the Kingdom of Kanday the Crimson Dancer warriors were placed at the disposal of King Puril however both he and his successor King Kabe declined the offer, insisting he was not going to trust "important military activities to a bunch of women" trying to be men".

King Chafin I, Kabe's successor, was more open-minded ordering the Crimson Dancer to assassinate Queen Eriel of Kanday, promising lands and privileges if successful.

The assassin, Brenlyn Shernath, succeeded in killing Queen Eriel, however, she was caught while escaping and she confessed under torture that she had been acting on Chafin's orders. Outraged, Kanday launched a lightning offensive, seizing considerable territories forcing King Chafin sued for peace. Chafin refused to give any reward to Crimson Dancer, claiming that the assassination was 'botched' and that they were directly responsible for the war's loss.


700 to 720TR Relocation to Orbaal

Given the hostility from the King the Crimson Dancer decided to explore the possibilities of relocation. On a trip to the Kingdom of Orbaal the priestess Melkea Akarne, seduced King Alegar I and persuaded the king to allow the Crimson Dancers to deal with a rebellious Jarinese holding of Quimen (held by clan Cysemet). Crimson Dancer troops, attacked Quimen, massacring the Jarin rulers claiming the settlement for themselves. The sheer brutality of this attack sparked the Jarin Rebellion (701 to 703TR), and earned the order a fierce reputation.

Since then, the order has been remarkably successful in attracting converts among women of Ivinian blood plus discontent Thardic and Rethemi noblewomen.

Foreign Relations

Kingdom Orbaal

The order has good relationship with the Orbaalese crown but does not involve itself with internal politics. However it is hated with a passion by Orbaals Jarin majority and the Jarin Princes.

Kingdom of Rethem

The Powerful Rethemi Earl of Tormau is said to have promised lands if the Order support him in a rebellion.

Thardic Republic

The Order is not particularly welcome, but has made some inroads in Shiran with support from some members of influential senatorial families.

Other Kingdoms

The Order is illegal is Kaldor, Melderyn, Chybisa and Kanday.
In Kanday they will not usually bother with a trial.


Recently missionaries have been sent among the Cheni and Kath tribes. To date with little success with only a few potential recruits and lukewarm interest from the Cheni. The Order is disappointed that they have not been able gain any interest from the Impressive Kath Female fighters.  

Relationship with other Fighting Orders

As a general rule the Crimson Dancer gets along poorly with most of the other male-dominated fighting orders of Agrik. They have particular antipathy for the Copper Hook, Red Shadows of Hepra, Companions of Roving Doom, and Warriors of Mamaka - all of which unfairly scapegoated for the loss of Ezar's War. However the Cohorts of Gashang show some degree of respect likely due to their sponsoring Clerical Order being female.

Mythology & Lore

The Crimson Dancers theology is based around myths of the mysterious being called 'the Kukshin' a spirit which unleashes terrible destruction through some kind of 'dance'. They believe the Kukshin is a demonic servant of Agrik and one of the revered Four Horsemen of Destruction. The bulk of their religious dogma is contained in their unique holy book, Holy Book - Blood and Fire, the Dances of the Kukshin.

In recent years they have promoted the concept that they the Brides of Agrik, who will upon their death, attain a special privileged personal relationship with the God.

The Sisters do not marry, but there is no restriction with having relationships with persons of either sex.

Let Widows Weep


Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

Order of Kukshin

Order of Kukshin, art by Columbia Games

Alignment Guidlines

Crimson Dancer Members

Adherants/Lay members

Articles under Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

Character flag image: by Columbia Games


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