Chapter VII: Escape from Oathheath

General Summary

After the battle at the Flagon and Crow, Farrakhan Al-Hakeem, proprietor of the tavern and rumored leader of the Thieves' Guild, bade the heroes to leave quickly and flee the city before the slain patrol of Black Talon sellswords were noticed missing. From there the four adventurers crept their way back through the darkened alleys of Oathheath until they found the iron grate that would lead them back into the sewers and outside the western wall of the city.

Back into the sewers they went, trudging through human filth and slime. The guardians of underneath the city already slain, the band of warriors were easily able to follow the arrows of direction left scrawled on the sewer walls by Allistar. Crawling through the sewers outlet pipe, they found themselves once again outside the city walls. Once outside they noticed Oathheath was on high alert. Watchfires were blazed outisde the city walls, horns of alarm sounded, and patrols on horseback seemingly doubled; the adventurers snuck their way through the grassy plain, hoping to avoid detection by the Black Talon as they made their way to the woods several miles west of Oathheath.

A desperate ploy by Allistar drew the attention of a sqaud of horsemen, and the search for the intruders by the occupying force of the outpost intensified. Attempts that were made to be stealthy by men in heavy and obsutrusive metal armor made fleeing into the woods difficult, til an idea by Theolin and Alistar that cost the warrior one of his magical trinkets granted them a distraction that gave them enough time to make their escape through the woods heading west to the camp of the Freedom Riders.

They returned to the camp and once again consulted with Holly of Oathheath at dawn of the 5th day of Firedawn. Allistar told the rough woman all they had learned from Farrakhan, and revealed to her their plans to travel south to the ruins of Celinad, the once great capital of the Celinadian Empire.

Holly informed the group that she was going to have her Freedom Riders break camp within a few hours and move the rebels to another location since the four stirred the hornet's nest and put Oathheath on high alert. The adventurers stopped for a short time to tend to their wounds, and Holly gave the travellers what supplies she could spare- a month's worth of trail rations for one person, two potions of healing, and their horses returned-groomed, watered, fed, and tacked. Providing the warriors with an atlas of Galador, the flame haired warrior helped the would be travellers estimate that their journey to Celinad would take roughly 47 days through good weather and light terrain.

Rewards Granted

  • 30 days worth of rations for one person
  • Two Potions of Healing
  • 5 Healer's kits

Missions/Quests Completed

Succesfully sneaking out of Oathheath and reuniting with the Freedom Riders.

Character(s) interacted with

Farrakhan Al-Hakeem
Holly of Oathheath


Duvall notcies something off about the "cleric of the witch goddess" Revanna, the black-clad man known as Mandrakus.

I Got 99 Problems & My Lich Ain't One
Report Date
04 Aug 2024
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