Theolin Windsplitter | World Anvil

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Theolin Windsplitter

Age: 33 Gender: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Skin Tone/Pigmentation: Light Bronze Height: 6'1 Weight: 175 lbs.

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Mon 22nd Jan 2024 08:09

The Journal Entry’s title

by Theolin Windsplitter

Begin writing your story here...

Theolin's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. The Journal Entry’s title
    22 Jan 2024 08:09:21
  2. The Journal Entry’s title
    22 Jan 2024 08:09:21

The major events and journals in Theolin's history, from the beginning to today.

Sesssion II: Ambush!

04:11 am - 09.01.2023

Sesssion II: Ambush!

04:10 am - 09.01.2023

Session I: The Crucible of Freya (Part One)

09:25 pm - 11.12.2022

Session I: The Crucible of Freya (Part One)

06:56 pm - 11.12.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Theolin.

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Other Characters by windsplitter1616