Session 11: Murder Hoboing 101

General Summary

  • Whistlestick pulled a wand of eye poking from his magic cape
  • Before meeting up with Vex Ironhide The Order of the Freeheart stock up on gear
  • Potion of healin from The Alchemist in the market. Got 4 for price of 3.
  • Bolts from the grumpoy armorer
  • He did not like the group and Poppy swiped some sling shot as they left
  • Poppy studied her Ioun ston of mastery and that is powered by the god of knowledge.
  • along with Vex and Boley the group head off for Atwoodgraben
  • Boley was off with Poppy and the rest
  • later find out her mind is on her sister who was taken a month ago to the mines where our group almost ended up.
  • Boly follows the God Tyr and is a Paladin
  • on the road the adventurers dealt with a few things of interes
  • just in the Whispering Woods find a human sized sculpture made entirely of a mirrored surface, to reflect the forest around them.
  • Vex points out where a cockatrice lair is, he heard the creature on his last night walk.
  • --A small lake with pitch black water. Despite looking disgusting the water is magically refreshing and can neutralize very powerful acids. The lake water is used in many heart medications.
  • took 2 waterskins of it
  • Near Attwoodgraben, three farmers pass by with a small herd of goats and a cow. Several minutes later a man comes running along with a black eye, roughed up clothes, and holding a rake pleading with the party to tell him where the bandits went with all his livestock.
  • hunted the thieves down and returned the livestock
  • farmer promised to help the order in anyway he could
  • his farm is just north of Atwoodgraben
  • A Woodland Pixie appeared and rewarded the group for their kindness with a large red berry
  • returning to Atwoodgrabenthe group go and collect Poppy's Badger hat
  • she tries to sell it back through guilt, buut the price is not good enough
  • also buy a small childs toy that Valen can light up as a torch
  • -head to the Queen's tower
  • she appears to know allll abouut the group
  • Valen senses both pure good and terrible darkness corsing through her
  • she reveals she needs the group to retrieve a relic to help her battle the curse.
  • speaks seperately to Vex
  • Vex leaves group on the approach to the cave to carry out another task
  • Group easily dispatch the guards and their dogs in the forest, allowing them to approach the cave entrance uunseen
  • Take out the two longbow carrying lookouts above the cave entrance and slowly head inside
  • Whistlestick sets off a boulder trap which also sets off an alarm
  • pull Whistlestick out he only took minor damage
  • head into one of the rooms nearest the entrance and then proceed to take out
  • dog handlers
  • Dogs
  • Bandits
  • a Seargant tof the shrouded sepant
  • One smuggler
  • the others fled and warned of the party coming
  • following the water north the group suprise a pair of sergeants
  • one with his pants down
  • Finn and Valen don the spare shrouded sepent cape
  • use the Fairy's magic Berry
  • turns finn 's hair yellow and he grows antlers (3' long)
  • The contents of Poppy's backpack spill upon the ground. It is now filled with cabbages. Each cabbage’s weight and external appearance is normal, but damaging the cabbage reveals that it is hollow and filled with butterflies.
  • two Ghoul are released from the room opposite
  • the first eats a bandit
  • the group then kite them both to fall into a bottomless waterhole
  • back in the room they were released from they find two cultist acolytes
  • they found the ghouls in an abandoned woodland graveyard
  • experimenting to try and control the Ghouls
  • they lock them in the empty ghoul cage and head on
  • Dreessed as SHrouded serpents find the captain
  • Poppy bets she can take out everyone
  • her finn and valen play act
  • WHistlestick shoots the other bandit
  • Captain Striker then fights the group
  • whilst formidable he cant handle being outnumbered 5-1
  • opens the treasure room in exchange for freedom
  • flees
  • -Poppy picks the treasure chest, avoiding a built in poison boobytrap.
  • take treasure and relic and Vex meets the group
  • Returned to the Queen's tower
  • the group do not trust the Queen, particularly Poppy who challenges her to why they should hand over the relic.
  • She wins Poppy over by turning her Druid staff into a wand of magic missile by embedding a special Crystal intoit.
  • Queen explains they need to use Lord Reginald Blackthorne as a way to get an audience with the Emberfall Noble Council who can help take down The Sanguine Seraphs
  • he will pass by in 2 weeks after his dueling tournament
  • The Queen says she will call on them again
  • Head to The Cup and Toad while Vex goes on another task
  • Vex gave Boley the keys to The Gilded Pickaxe basement
  • See Gini The Gnome who requuest his knife back or Vex's belt
  • return knife
  • Queen Lydia Ravenlockhas told Athel the innkeepershe will foot the bill for the group.


I shall give you everything in the treasure room if you allow me safe passage to leave
— Captain Striker

Rewards Granted


Magic Red Berry Poppy
Two Shrouded Serpent capes Finn & Valen
668 cp The Order of the Freeheart
518 sp The Order of the Freeheart
46 gp The Order of the Freeheart
four gold lockets with painted portraits inside The Order of the Freeheart
two black velvet masks stitched with silver thread Finn & Valen
Two potions of healing The Order of the Freeheart
a potions of clibing The Order of the Freeheart
1000sp The Order of the Freeheart
Enough XP to level up to lvl2 The Order of the Freeheart
Wand of magic missile Poppy
bone scroll tube with two spell scrolls: sleep and zone of truth. @val

Missions/Quests Completed

Queen's Quest - Curse awakening Do a job for Gini FAILED

Character(s) interacted with

  • Vex Ironhide
  • Wene Boley
  • Gini The Gnome
  • Athel the innkeeper
  • Queen Lydia Ravenlock
  • Grumpy Dwarf armouror (bald, massive beard)
  • The Alchemist
  • Captain Striker
  • Woodland Pixie
  • Created Content

    grumpy dwarf armoror, lakeside caves, Captain Striker, Potion of Healing, Magic Red Berry, Ghoul, ghoul cultists, , Badger Hat, Wand of Eye-poking, Wand of Magic Missile, Black masks, black capes, Potion of Climbing, black water, Childs toy , Farmer @wood

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    Report Date
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    Primary Location
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