Do a job for Gini Plot in Aetheria | World Anvil
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Do a job for Gini

The Quest

Gini The Gnome having caught Poppy Quickfootstealing from the Jewlers in Atwoodgrabenhas tasked the group with getting him the belt of rival mercenary Vex Ironhide.  
If you do me a favour i have some information that you will find valuable

What happened

He has already provided Poppy Quickfoota small knife and is willing to reward you further with some information.  

Next Steps/Outcome

Having made friends with Vex Ironhide The Order of the Freeheart chose to not steal his belt and instead returned the small knife to Gini


Settlement | Jun 19, 2024
The Cup and Toad
Building / Landmark | Jun 18, 2024
The twin towns of the Whispeing Woods
Settlement | Jun 18, 2024


Quest InformationDetails
LocationThe twin towns of the Whispeing Woods
NPCGini The Gnome
RewardA Knife and some useful information
QuestGet the belt of Vex and back to Gini
Quest foundThe Cup and Toad
Quest statusFAILED


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