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The Skull Crushing Castle

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Sarnapt
Jan 2022 Who Knows? | Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
    This mysterious fellow is stirring up trouble on the island. He has supposably been Turing the residents of Crest Latch. Our party only knows one thing, he is dangerous and not to be messed with.
  • Crobeck Hammerfell
    Crobeck is a short stout man with a rude personality, some would even say he would call it a short personality. He is the financial advisor to Duke Lancer. He Loves Money and will do almost anything to strike up a deal. Crobeck Almost runs the town of Knogle, and sees himself as a better fit ruler than Duke Lancer.
  • The Ferry Man Drake
    The Ferry man to the Island of Crestlach
  • Duke Lancer
    Duke Lancer it the "Duke" of the Island of Crestlach.
  • Forest Frando
    One of the last forest adventurers
  • Sostan The First
    The Employer of the First Adventure
  • Tundo
    A Mysterious Leader Of the Forest

Sessions Archive

11th Jul 2022

The Hunt Continues

Our Adventures Battle their way to the top of Ankors Castle.

Brave Adventures are asked to do many quests around the world of Sarnapt, but what will they uncover about the place the grew up in and who will the meet?

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Pym Sitar

Jay Byrd


Cedric Solomon