Session 318 - Rescue Mission Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 318 - Rescue Mission

General Summary

Autumn 726TR

The Story So Far

The King is dead. King Minigath, after ruling well for thirty-three years, has died, and the power struggle as to who will succeed him has started. Meanwhile, in the background, the nefarious Esoterical Order of Lothrim is up to no good.

The heroes have decided to rescue the much respected Constable Haldare Venera from the dungeon cell in the City of Tashal.

This is the continuation of Session 317 - The Wardrobe Under The Well.

Location - On the road south of Minarsas Castle in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

1st Savor 726

Part 1 - Shadow Hunters

The party leaves Castle Minarsas two hours before dawn and rides hard for Kobing Keep. The autumn rains have started, and the dirt road becomes muddy when they spot the bloody remains of half a dozen horses and a man.

The corpses show signs of bite marks similar to what a wolf would inflict. However, the claw injuries are long and show signs of savage tearing that look more like looks like sadistic torture rather than killing blows.

The culprits are nearby, half a dozen malicious, night black, shadowy greyhound-like undead beasts hiding among the trees. They ambush the travelers, first targeting the heroes' horses killing several. Each bloody death creates a gateway, allowing more undead to leap in from the Shadow Plane. The Namorrodor target Valeria, dragging her to the ground before savagely mobbing her. Fortunately, Valeria's magical spells, specifically the Cloak of Radiance, hold them at bay until her friends arrive to destroy the demonic canines. As the sun rises like many shadow creatures, Valeria has fought before they evaporate.

Once again, Valeria has been attacked on the night of the new moon.

Location - Kobing Keep in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 – The Baron of Kobing

Baron Orsin, art by Artbreeder
The heroes arrive at Kobing Keep at sundown and are met by Baron Orsin Firith, the Lord Marshal of Oselmarch and the former King's nephew. They brief him on current events.

The Baron does not express any desire or interest in the throne and has publicly stated he will support any legitimate monarch chosen by the royal succession council. He makes it clear that he would not endorse any of the bastard fractions and sees his cousins, Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa and Lady Cheselyne Hosath, as the most credible candidates, preferring the former as the latter is known to be a schemer. He would only put his name forward for King if there were no clear candidate.

At the moment, Baron Orsin is taking a wait-and-see position, but he is ready in the event of a military conflict.

2nd of Savor 726

Location - Querina Keep and Shala House in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 3 - Planning

Lady Erila, art by Artbreeder
The party races to Querina Keep to plan the rescue of Constable Haldare Venera, held in a dungeon cell in Elend Castle, and consult with Lady Erila Kaphin. Lady Erila is in custody for suspicion of spying and the murder of the King; however, she knows the layout of the castle well. Constable Haldare Venera will likely be held in the underground dungeons in the southwestern portion of the castle, next to the royal alchemist's chamber. She advised the ideal time for a rescue would be during the King's funeral, held at the city's temple of Larani tomorrow.

Narvo, art by Artflow
The heroes come up with a plan. They travel to Shala House, a suburb located just the city's walls, and break into an old warehouse that stores uniforms and other military equipment, pilfering some uniforms. Disguised as royal guards, they plan to escort Valeria, acting as a prisoner, into the castle dungeons, where she can use her magic to assist the constable's escape. The party employs the help of their friend and a former Night Person, Narvo, to set up their disguises. Valeria's hair is dyed light blonde, and she is considerably dirtied up.

3rd of Savor 726

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 4 - Rescue Mission during the King's Funeral

The first part of the ruse works perfectly; the trio makes it through the city gates and streets to the castle entrance. The sentries are easily fooled. Valeria insults the deceased King, and Rycon smashes her in the face. The guards admire her bloody nose and let the group enter. Unfortunately, the trip down to the cells is not without bad luck. Rycon's nemesis Sir Crya Dezeller of Loban Manor nearly collides with the trio (Rycon crippled him in a duel refer to session Session 291 - Rat Poison) but he does not recognize anyone. Later, near the dungeon cells, the alchemist's apprentice, who is well-known to Valeria from the city's Guildhall of Arcane Lore, passes the party, but the distracted young man fails to identify her.

Constable Haldare, art by Artflow
Rycon tricks the guard at the dungeon, and the prisoner is moved into the cell, luckily to the cell next to her target, Sir Haldare Venera. The former constable of Caer Eland does not immediately identify her, but after the guards leave, she makes herself known. After a brief discussion, keenly observed by two other prisoners, she convinces him that her magic will assist him to escape. She turns him Invisible and momentarily into Vapor Form. He floats through the cell bars and the dungeon doorway and follows Rycon and Dryueh out of the castle, unobserved, to a nearby inn before the spell ends. They disguise Sir Haldare and leave the city for Querina Keep. Valeria also helps the two other prisoners escape similarly and Translocates away.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Baron Orsin Firith, the Lord Marshal of Oselmarch.

Princess Meliem Elendsa.

Lady Erila Kaphin.

Sir Haldare Venera.


8 x Namorrodor.

Rescued Sir Haldare Venera without bloodshed.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

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Player Characters

Valeria - Human - L9 Shadow Sorcerer

Background - Magical Experiment.

Archetype - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human - L9 Fighter

Background - Rebel Knight.

Archetypes - Liberator Champion/Dual Weapon Warrior.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf - L9 Thief Rogue

Background - Scout.

Archetypes - Vigilante/Medic/Shadowdancer/Wizard.

Next Session

Session 319 - The Stones of Kanderi.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
02 Nov 2023
Primary Location
City of Tashal

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