Session 294 - The Mark of Set Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 294 - The Mark of Set

General Summary

21st to 30th of Nolus (Summer) 726TR

The Story So Far

Rycon, suffering a spiritual crisis, considers his options to continue worshiping Larani and being a member of a Church organization he has begun to despise. He plans to meet with like-minded warriors to explore options.

This is the continuation of Session 293 - Bathhouse of Death.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - The Knights of Avarkiel

Sir Luisan, art by Artflow
Rycon learns that Sir Luisan Kelic, an Order of the Lady of Paladins knight and the Commander of Jenkald Chapterhouse, is in Tashal en route to competing in the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry. This renowned knight has defended the kingdom against two orc swarms in recent years and, like Rycon, is an outspoken critic of the genocidal Solora Crusade currently being carried out by the Melderyni branches of his Order.

The men meet and get on well. Sir Luisan is a vocal advocate for Kaldor's Lady of Paladins knights forming a new Fighting Order, independent of the leadership in the Kingdom of Melderyn, and therefore will no longer be expected to participate in the crusade. Rycon agrees wholeheartedly with his sediment.

The new Order would tentatively be called the Knights of Avarkiel, taking the same name as a prominent organization based in the Kingdom of Trierzon. He expects that the Order's sponsoring Clerical Order would also break away, forming the Order of the Winged Lion. He claims to have the firm support of a third of the Kaldorian knights, and another half have shown interest, as well as many among the clergy.

After the upcoming tourney, the Kaldorian senior knights will hold a Soylana Assembly (a conclave of esteemed knights) to discuss and decide on the issue. Sir Luisan hopes to convince Kaldor's Knight Commander, who he believes is sympathetic to the cause, to make the change.

Part 2 - The Mark of Set

A month ago, the heroes tracked a group of evil wizards and raiders who sacked a guild of arcane lore. At night Dryueh sneaked into their camp and recovered a priceless mysterious artifact from one of the wizards while he was sleeping and left a calling card, an eye symbol, the mark of his alter ego Set (refer to Session 290 - The Order of Lothrim).

Word reaches Dryueh that his Set symbol has been drawn using chalk on a back alleyway in one of the poor districts of the city. That night the party investigates this suspicious sign. As they examine it, they spot a beggar pretending to be sleeping in the alleyway. He is chased off and stealthily followed back to a nearby tenement.

The party is suspicious. When Dryueh returns and attempts to remove the symbol, a magical trap is sprung, and the graffiti on the walls come to life. The Living Graffiti, a form of magical construct, catch the party by surprise, but the chalk creations are easily eliminated. The party then conceals themselves in the shadows or roof of a nearby building and wait to see who was responsible.

Just before dawn, a group of men arrives, led by the same wizard Dryueh so brazenly robbed last month. With surprise lost, the magic user proclaims, "My mysterious nemesis is far too cunning," and the group leaves town.

Part 3 - A Welcome Visitor

Dame Afaewynn, art by Artbreeder
The next day, Rycon receives a visitor, an attractive female knight. Dame Afaewynn Barthy, the daughter of the elderly Sir Edwin Barthy, Bailiff of Ovendel Manor, is also on her way to the tourney. Word has reached her of Rycon's duel with Sir Crya Dezaller, where Rycon nearly crippled the malicious knight (refer to Session 291 - Rat Poison). She warmly thanks him but is disappointed that his injury will deny her the opportunity to challenge him in the upcoming jousts.

She explained that her late husband died on a hunting trip with Sir Crya and his brother, causing much hostility. She does not elaborate. However, Rycon and Dame Afaewynn spend time together over the next few days.

Part 4 - Bounty Hunter

Eldark, art by Artflow
As Rycon starts preparing for his journey to Olokand to compete in the tourney, he notices he is being followed on the streets. He and his friends decide to lead them to the same alleyway they fought the chalk monsters.

The three men are bounty hunters led by the formidable Eldark of Beron. They demand Rycon's surrender, presenting a warrant from the Sheriff of Vemionshire, demanding his arrest and to be tried for heresy by the infamous Serolan Margon Irin, aka the  "Lion of Dolithor," high priest of the Minarsas temple. Rycon is sure that this warrant has no validity in the City of Tashal, as it is part of another shire. The groups face off, and as they are talking, Eldark, without warning, shoots his crossbow at Rycon, nearly killing him with one bolt. Dryueh and Valeria leap to his defense, and soon the characters enter a quick but brutal melee. The heroes prove to be tougher fighters, and as Eldark attempts to flee, Rycon cuts him down.

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.jpeg
Sheriff Conwan, art by Artbreeder
Shortly after, the city guard arrives, and Rycon allows them to escort him to the castle; to meet with Sheriff Conwan Elendsa. The Sheriff confirms that the warrant was invalid and no charges would follow the brawl. As a final insult, Rycon hires a courier to deliver the severed head of Eldark to the High Priest of the Minarsas temple as a warning.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Sir Luisan Kelic - Commander of Jenkald Chapterhouse.

Dame Afaewynn Barthy - Female Knight.

Sheriff Sir Conwan Elendsa.

Eldark - Bounty Hunter of Beron (RIP).


2 x Chalk Golems

3 x Bounty Hunters.


Nothing this week.

Created Content

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Player Characters

Valeria - Human Magical Experiment - L5 Shadow Sorcerer - Beastmaster.

Rycon - Human Rebel Knight - L5 Fighter - Liberator Champion.

Dryueh - 1/2 Elf Scout - L5 Thief Rogue - Vigilante/Medic.

Next Session

Session 295 - The Tournament of Chivalry.

Legacy of the Foulspawner
Report Date
19 Jun 2023
Primary Location
City of Tashal

Order of the Lady of Paladins

Lady of Paladins.png

by Columbia Games

Clan Barathy

Clan Barthy.png

Clan Barthy, art by Attacus

The Mark of Set

Mark of Set, stock Image

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