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The Iberian reach

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Aelwad
| Looking for Players
the lands of Iberia are torn in two, the grand caliphate has ruled these lands unapposed for centuries.   150 years ago the grand pontiff called on the followers of the one true faith to sally forth under the banner of their god and march on the lands of the heretics. Kings, Lords and serf alike rallied to the call of their god, they marched as one in a great host to liberate the the region from the hands of demon worshippers and heathens.   For 150 years the unorganised forced of the unity faith have unleashed relentless war on the caliphates governors,   The unity forced are now more organised, and more dangerous for it. marching under the banner of the Reconquistas, this military order uses steel and fire to bring order and conquest the population of Iberia.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Mercedes Espina

Matías Márquez

Level 3 Human Lawful/Neutral Rogue
/ 18 HP