Session 47: First Rule of Fight Club... Report

General Summary

"I think we should talk," the rough-looking man says to the party. His hooded friend stands beside him. He pulls back his hood to reveal he is, in fact, Ziraj, a member of the Doom Raiders, a faction of the Zhentarim, and friend to Yagra Stonefist. (The party most recently saw him at the Sea Maiden's Faire with their neighbor and owner of Corellon’s Crown, Fala Lefaliir)
The other man explains he is Davil Starsong, leader of the Doom Raiders, underneath the illusion of the hardened mercenary he's cast on himself.   They explain that Yagra was kidnapped by the Xanathar's Guild during an ambush a day earlier. They snuck in with the audience for the fight tournament to try and figure out a way to break her out. They tell the party they arrived via a house in the Castle Ward where they were blindfolded and escorted down to a boat and brought here via underwater canals, unable to see a thing.
Davil and Ziraj discuss plans to free Yagra with the party. They briefly discuss forming a team and participating in the fight tournament but are interrupted by the announcement that the fights are beginning and they are taking final bets. While Runt Thundermount considers placing a bet, Cameron Overholt wanders away and sees a greasy-looking drow being followed by a grell, a creature that resembles a floating brain with tentacles floating down and a wide, sharp beak. Cameron knows these go hand-in-hand with mind flayers.

The party enters the fighting ring. The bleachers are fairly packed. They all discuss their plans. Davil is confused why they're here until they explain Neverember's Enigma and that various factions are after the 500,000 gp. Davil says he'll help the party on their mission if they assist in getting Yagra out. As they are discussing a stocky dwarf announces the Xanathar has arrived. An incredible light show bursts overhead with a massive spectral purple eye at the center. The voice of the Xanathar booms out saying he is aware of what an event he has created for all of you. All things considered he could kill everyone here and declare himself the winner. But he's hoping it doesn't come to that.

As the first two teams begin their fight Andryn Stormpeak, Cameron, Runt, and Davil all sneak out of the arena under an Invisibility spell. Davil says he has gotten some information about a secret door in the promenade. They find it and enter a chamber where five bald dwarves with purple eye tattoos on their foreheads sit around a glowing sigil on the ground. They seem only barely aware of their surroundings.

The party creeps further into the Xanathar's Lair. A large hallway contains a dozen or more stone statues of various humanoid all looking like they are trying to escape down the corridor. Here, the party encounters a gnome dressed up like a jester. 

They are able to slip past him but the gnome seems to be aware something is amiss. They dart into an empty bedchamber that contains a slab of stone with a small maze on it and a large stuffed, glowering minotaur. Beyond this chamber is a room that looks like someone has made a makeshift maze with crates and boxes making up the walls. At the end of the maze is a small bed and writing desk. On the writing desk they find Ahmaergo's report to the Xanathar entitled "A Briefing for the Xanathar concerning the Grand Game".

When they exit the room they see the gnome jester still doing acrobatics in the hallway looking for them. He goes down an offshoot of the main hallway and looks at the stone wall asking if they found the place they're not supposed to be. The party follow him realizing it's a secret entrance. Davil casts Sleep on the gnome and they head through the secret corridor. The party struggles with the door, which bursts open and, invisibly, some of them topple into a darkened room.

At the center of the room is a 20 foot diameter fishbowl as well as a smaller fishbowl. They see Ott Steeltoes trembling before three drow, two the recognize from the Attack on Gralhund Villa, but one, wearing a flamboyant wide-brimmed hat is new to them. This drow looks up as the door swings open and turns to Ott. "I think we'll be taking that eye now," he says with a smile.

Rewards Granted

  • In Ahmaergo's bed chamber within a sack made of human flesh:
    •  100 gp
    • potion of healing 
    • a minotaur figurine
  • On Flutterfloot, the gnome jester: a packet of Dust of Disappearance

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