Attack on Gralhund Villa

After some investigating, the party learned that their neighbors Lord Orond Gralhund and Lady Yalah Gralhund may be in possession of a nimblewright. They go by their villa late at night and hear the sounds of distress coming from inside. They scale the walls and enter the house, finding most of the household staff dead. Upstairs, Zhentarim agents, led by Urstul Floxin, are fighting Gralhund guards.

The party begins to assist the guards tipping the fight to their advantage. As they do, the Zhents begin to flee, only to be shot by a rifle. The shot seems to come from across the street. In the back bedroom, Urstul demands the stone from Lord Gralhund, stabbing him when he doesn't turn it over. Andryn Stormpeak Revivifys him and Cameron Overholt casts Levitate on a fleeing Ursul Floxin.

Suddenly, a group of drow burst through the master bedroom balcony, calling for Lady Gralhund to hand over the stone. They cast Darkness on the room and a chaotic fight ensues. They grapple with Lady Gralhund over an object. When Runt Thundermount gets involved one of the drow mentions his employer would be most put out if he had to kill Runt and his friends. When the drow are down to two they make their escape, sans stone. Runt manages to keep hold of whatever they were fighting over, slipping it into his pocket. As the chaos settles down you all notice a nimblewright matching the description of the one that set off the fireball in pieces on the floor.

The City Watch watch descend on the villa, questioning everyone there. The party attempts to flee with Urstul Floxin but is stopped by the Watch. They manage to find a clue on Floxin directing them to bring any prisoners to an interrogation house. They go to investigate and discover Ott Steeltoes, a member of the Xanathar's Guild who takes care of the Xanathar's pet fix, being tortured. They "help" Ott escape and learn of a secret entrance in the sewers. They also find a note on one of the torturers referencing new players in the "Grand Game" (aka Neverember's Enigma) and instructing the dead torturer to kidnap a Fenerus Stormcastle. One other torturer they find a small disk on a necklace. One side has the letters "DK" in runes, the other side has a small, central blue gem.

Meanwhile, the party inspects the long oval stone they took from Gralhund Villa. It has three slots that seem to hold something small and circular. They get an inert magical essence off of it. It seems like something is keeping it from being fully active. They determine this most likely is the Stone of Golorr everyone is looking for.

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