Session 74: Sword in the Dome Report

General Summary

The party stands before Wyllow the seeming queen of Level 5, Wyllowwood. She reiterates the rules to them. Do no harm to any of the creatures on this level, which means no fires, no harming plants or animals. She tells them they are welcome to rest here if they want.   The party peppers Wyllow with questions about the rules of this level. She clarifies most of the rules and even tells them that residents of her wood have been murdered to the south. She wonders if they'd help her get retribution and cast out this scourge on her land. She tells them that goblins cursed with lycanthropy have taken up residence in the ruins of a cult settlement to the south. She wants them killed for murdering a deer. If they help her she will help them get to level 6, the lost level where the party is supposed to find what the gem dragon they met while playing The Grand Game was protecting.   The party try to talk her into relocating the creatures or giving them a stern talking to but she's adamant they must die for their infractions. They leave, reluctantly agreeing to help. The party investigates the bones they saw on their way in and find signs that a cult of Malar (also known as "The Beastlord", a minor god who reveled in the bloodthirstiness of nature, not balance) were these victims.   As they head toward the cult's ruins they find a tunnel in the side of cliffface. They try to head down the tunnel but set off a rune which casts Wall of Thorns on the party. Thredd hears faintly burrowing and earth moving and thinks it's a badger. The party leaves a note also translated to primodeal in case it's elementals burrowing.   The party takes a long rest on the outskirts of the forest. The next morning the party takes stock of their surroundings and notice a ten foot platform not far away. A young green dragon is atop it asleep. As the discuss the dragon the wind blows some twigs, leaves, and debris towards them. The twigs spell out "HELP ME". Andryn gets the sense this isn't a spell but some kind creature who is not in full control of it's power. The wind blows again and the party hears an androgynous voice whisper "free me. Pull the sword from the head for it's evil can't be contained much longer."   Cameron wants that sword.   The party heads toward the dragon, staying on the path so as not to disrupt any plants. As they walk on a vine whips out to grab Cameron. The party try their best to fight off these vines without actually hurting them. They pry themselves away but get the distinct sense they are being watched.   They make their way to the platform to where the dragon is sleeping. They can see an emerald sword sticking out of the dragon's head, covered in gemstones. The party fails a stealth check and wakes the dragon who asks them if Wyllow sent them. The party asks about the sword in his head but he doesn't seem to pay it much mind. Cameron does an Arcana check and the sword is definitely magic. The party discuss what to do and decide Thredd will go invisible and stealth up to steal the sword.   As Thredd invisibly pulls the sword from the dozing dragon's head it's eyes pop open and attacks. It's roaring, much more aggressive than it was moments ago. It's spewing poison breaths into the air. Drawn by the commotion, Wyllow arrives as a giant eagle. She calls the dragon Tearulai and asks what ails it. The dragon roars that its name is Valdemar and breathes poison directly on her. She flees as a giant eagle once more.   The dragon turns to the party, realizing what's happened when it sees the sword in Thredd's hands. "Thank you. I've been stuck here ever so long. I could do with a change of scenery," the dragon says to them.

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Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Report Date
09 Apr 2023
Primary Location

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