Session 66: The Kids are Alright Report

General Summary

The party stands before Laeral Silverhand, the Open Lord of Waterdeep. She dubs the party "Wardens of Waterdeep" to the crowd gathered who celebrate. The Open Lord dismisses the gathered petitioners and retires for the night.   Jarlaxle Baenre bids farewell to the party and thanks them for their help aiding Luskan joining the Lords' Alliance. The Blackstaff, Vajra Safahr, asks the party to wait. She gifts them upgraded Force Grey pendants. She also says she's had one of the members of Force Grey to investigate their missing children. She introduces the party to Thredd Dorselar, a human monk, who found evidence of Zhentarim occupying an abandoned farmhouse on the edge of Snobeedle Orchard and Meadery, owned by Blossom Snobeedle.   The party needs a long rest so they head home for a long rest. Thredd crashes with them. In the morning they find a note from Runt that he had to leave to help someone but he'll be back when he can. Palace guards arrive to hand over the party's 50,000 gp reward as well as an all-purpose tool for Cameron Overholt, an amulet of the devout for Andryn Stormpeak, and a staff of the Warden for Thredd Dorselar. The party heads toward Undercliff to find the kids. On their way they see several broadsheets touting their new rank. They also see an article by Kelia Wintersbane recounting details of of the party as if she was a close, personal friend. There are many references to Cameron and her complicated feelings regarding the professor.   The party finds the abandoned house on the edge of the Snobeedle Orchard. They see movement inside. Cameron attempts to levitate up to the window where Thredd saw the children. He's hit by a Glyph of Warding, alerting the house to intruders. He Dimension Doors into the room, finding Jenks, Nat, Squiddly, and Martem Trec who have been terrorizing their Zhentarim captors. The window is nailed shut from the outside so Cameron plans on jumping with the kids out the window and casting Feather Fall. Just before he does, Urstul Floxin bursts into the room. He sees Cameron and shouts "you!". He's ready for a rematch after the Attack on Gralhund Villa . Floxin is hit by Cameron's turret, blowing him into the opposite room. Cameron casts Web and escapes with the kids.   Below, Thredd and Andryn battle some Zhentarim mages, monks, and fighters. A lengthy battle ensues. The party is hit by several high level spells that do significant damage. They come face to face with the halfling Zhentarim cook that tried to poison them in Kolat Towers. He blasts them with a few damaging spells while invisible before they realize he's in the room. Just as the party looks on the ropes, two wererats burst into the house attacking the Zhentarim. The one calls Andryn Stormpeak "boss" which confuses the party. Eventually, the party and the wererats prevail, though Andryn and Cameron go unconscious before being brought back up. The female wererat reveals herself to be Ryba, their waitress.

Rewards Granted

  • Amulet of the Devoted (rare)
  • All-Purpose Tool (rare)
  • Quarterstaff of the Warden
  • Gray Hand Token (3)

Missions/Quests Completed

The kids are found!

Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Report Date
23 May 2022
Primary Location

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