Session 3: Ruins of Groundbreak Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 3: Ruins of Groundbreak Report

General Summary


The party had just arrived in Groundbreak to find the town in shambles. A large group of orc bandits had attacked the town, sacked the wagon train being prepared, an d made off with the contents.


  1. The party, at the request of the citizens of Groundbreak, routed the remaining orc bandits holed up the town. They also captured and interrogated one orc with the help of Valraira Gilrora, discovering the rough location of the bandit camp and the name of their leader, Tovoch Glurosk.
  2. Trailing the orc bandits back to their camp, the party ambushes a pair of stolen wagons stuck in deep mud from the recent rainstorm. They successfully defeated the bandits and disguised the wagons with brush so they could come back later and ferry them to town.


The party arrived at the fortified orc bandit fort, making camp a few miles away in order to plan their next move.

Character(s) interacted with

Luvon Ralocan 
Impetus for the party traveling to Groundbreak.
Valraira Gilrora 
Yoggabyrn Earthshaker 
Gandretryd Stonebreaker 
Adventuring party which attempted to defend Groundbreak from the orc invasion.

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
04 Jan 2022
Primary Location

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