Session 2: Escort to Groundbreak Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 2: Escort to Groundbreak Report

General Summary


The party began this session in Tradefront having spent a week recovering at The Last Hurrah on Captain Jarvis Odannon's dime. They were approached by a solo traveler named Luvon Ralocan trying to make his way to the mining settlement of Groundbreak. The party agreed to escort Luvon to Groundbreak in exchange for a modest amount of coin.


  1. The party encountered two wild beasts, a warg and a giant boar, fighting one another over the rights to consume the horses pinned under a toppled wagon. The wagon's driver had climbed atop a rocky outcropping to save himself, and yelled to the party for help.
  2. The party encountered a small family of humans alongside the road headed from Groundbreak, their wagon's axle had broken a few hours outside of the town. After a tense standoff, the party assisted the family in repairing their wagon and learned that the town of Groundbreak was under assault by Orcish raiders.


The party escorted Luvon unharmed to Groundbreak, but the town itself was a burning husk of its former self when they arrived. Orcs had raided and the adventuring party currently in the town, led by Valraira Gilrora, were holed up in the remains of the town hall protecting the few survivors from further assault.

Character(s) interacted with

Captain Jarvis Odannon
Paid for the party's stay at The Last Hurrah, got the party in touch with Luvon.
Luvon Ralocan
Wagon train driver of some renown. Met in Tradefront and escorted to Groundbreak.
Valraira Gilrora
All-female adventuring group leader. Met in Groundbreak soon after arrival.

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
04 Jan 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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