5/1 - Portal Power Part One Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

5/1 - Portal Power Part One

General Summary

Party met with the Qadis town guard in order to interrogate Elric.

  • Interrogated Elric to get him to spill his guts about what he was up to with the map/bell.
  • Elric grew up weird, big into dead people. Son of a gravedigger so weird runs in his blood.
  • Became interested in the macabre, began working as a diener and researching necromancy.
  • One day a group of Adventurers came to town, among them a Lizardfolk druid. They have a map/bell.
  • Elric wants the map/bell, happens to inform the town guard about the presence of a Lizardfolk. Town is very xenophobic.
  • Adventurers are summarily executed by the town guard. Elric offers his family's services to take care of the bodies.
  • Elric liberates the now unowned map/bell, sets off to uncover the secrets they contain.
Party debates whether to do a murder on Elric or not.
  • Town guard isn't super fond of a murder happening under their watch.
  • Party relents, maybe they'll murder him some other time.
  Party meets with Tazrah, Clodio, and Kirc to negotiate the portal agreement.
  • Sylvie puts on her best presenter speech, Darnath and Gramlek work as stage hands, Duo gives a live product demo.
  • Party performance does moderately well in ingratiating the group.
  • Sylvie and Duo field questions from the panel about the specifics of the magic item and the terms of the deal.
  • Negotiations come to an agreeable result for all parties. (Details listed as 'rewards' below.)
Party heads across the Silent Sea to head towards Ebonait.
  • Two hard weeks of desert travel pass uneventfully, as the baking sun weighs down on our sweaty heroes.
  • As the party reaches the edge of the Cursed Expanse the dunes turn to arid scrubland, then grassland, and finally to progressively denser jungle as the terrain slopes down and away.
  • The party continues for a week through the humid jungle, grateful for the moisture and protection from the sun.
  • After a week, as the party is attempting to cross a narrow river, the party hears a high pitched screech from above.
A Couatl corpse hurtles from the sky, crashing through the jungle canopy and landing hard in the dirt below.
  • The Couatl is a pincushion of boney spines and spears.
  • Fast behind the Couatl are two groups of devils, both made up of several Spined Devils and led by a Cambion.
  • As the devils approach, they notice the party observing their quarry and redirect their ire.
  • Combat, combat, combat.
  • The party fells the devils, sending their twisted souls back to the Nine Hells.
  • Still clutched protectively in the claws of the dead Couatl is a large gem-like egg.
  Party loot the scene and recall information while they clean up.
  • Couatl are good-aligned Celestial beings.
  • Couatl reproduce magically when they become aware of their impending death.
  • Party recovers the egg, as well as several intact feathers from the Couatl.
  • Party recovers both of the Cambions' infernal spears.

Rewards Granted

  • 1620 EXP/PC
  • A Deal With Qadis
    • 10,000gp upon completion of the portal.
    • 5% tax on all trade going through the portal.
    • Free, priority access to the portal.
    • Priority access to suitable crafting stations in both Qadis and Ebonait.
  • Couatl Egg
  • Couatl Feathers (200gp worth)
  • Cambion Spear x2

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
01 May 2023
Primary Location

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