Session 5: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Report Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 5: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Report

General Summary


The party, after attacking the orcish fort, pushed the remaining orcs down into the cavern beneath the fort. Looking to rescue the captive Kuro Musumi and make Tovoch Glurosk answer for his crimes, the party set out to advance downward.


  1. The party began their assault through mediation, sending an unarmed Duo  into the cavern and bartering with Tovoch Glurosk for the release of Kuro Musumi. The party agreed to let Tovoch escape in exchange for the safe release of Kuro and the forfeiture of all stolen property.
  2. After attempting to assassinate a compliant Tovoch during his escape, the fort erupted into violence. Several of the party were severely wounded as Tovoch retaliated.


Tovoch escaped the orcish fort alive, but the orc bandits and pilfered loot stayed behind. The party rescued Kuro and began the preparations to transport the stolen goods back to the people of Groundbreak.

Character(s) interacted with

Tovoch Glurosk 
Adventurer and leader of the orcish bandits. Attempted to trade his free flight for the safe return of the captured Kuro.
Kuro Musumi 
Adventurer captured by the orcish bandits. Freed from captivity by the party.

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