Reflections on the Confrotation with Tovoch and Resolution of Contracts with Levon by Duo | World Anvil

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8th of Uktar

Reflections on the Confrotation with Tovoch and Resolution of Contracts with Levon

by Duo

After our short debate over how we should engage with the Orcs who holed themselves in a cavern beneath their fortress, Sylvie's silver tongue once again proved a valuable asset. Much was learned during that relatively short conversation. For instance, Tovoch seemed to have no ulterior motives encouraging his banditry of Groundbreak's fortune. Just as we find ourselves working for the employ of Levon to retrieve the goods, Tovoch's employment placed him on the opposite side of this altercation. He seemed regretful of the events that left many in Groundbreak without home or hearth, not out of pity for their loss, but out of the complications it added to the work he had been trying to achieve. Ultimately, his life was more valuable than the job, the goods, his accomplices, or the hostage he had taken. Perhaps I will encounter this Tovoch again in the future. Perhaps as an ally, or perhaps once again as the antagonist toward my goals. I must admit there are players in this theater that I have yet to fully perceive. Have I moved from a life of commanded slavery to a life of circumstantial slavery? Are the likes of Tovoch and I merely pawns conveniently used by those with actual power? Thus far, the language of power and importance commonly spoken among all beings in the land is that of wealth. They hunt for wealth, and once obtained they leverage that power to control their surroundings. My road, the answers to my questions, may thus be gilded with the gleam of wealth until that wealth can be discarded for the higher ascension.
Regardless, my party's dealings with Levon have reached an underwhelming conclusion. While grateful for the work we performed for him at risk to ourselves, our compensation proved less than I had anticipated. The components, the materials I need are still outside my grasp. I must take this as a lesson to calibrate my understanding of the value of the labor that I can provide. Surely, the greater risk to self that such endeavors entail ARE compensated greater than a labor of safety such as the plane and the lathe. So, I see that I must continue this path as the means to an end, lest I fall into squalor and lose all opportunity. Levon did offer his aide in knowledge of these lands and the mercantile powers at play. I will learn what I can from him. If nothing else, he has proven to be a trustworthy patron, and he may be a source of patronage again in the future.
For now, I shall increase my patience and take what opportunities I can as they arise. I intend to inquire as to the history of the Tabaxi, Kuro, and how one such as her came to the possession of such an exquisite item of craftsmanship. Similarly, Omnu continues to hide their knowledge from me, as I have yet to find a means to earn their confidence. Other than their curious desire to learn a secret from me, they have not yet even shown a glimmer of their motives. Though, perhaps secrets themselves are their motive. Finally, without an active patron offering an opportunity, it may be some time before another arises. The others in my recent crew have shown some dissatisfaction with the outcome of our recent contract, despite proving successful on all accounts. Depending on how much I can advocate for reason, perhaps we will be speaking with Tovoch again sooner rather than later.