#1 The Cells Report

General Summary

With our trio arriving at the port, the three have learned of "vampires" attacking the local settlements, as well as an unknown force killing the original port dwellers. The Foundation ship has docked at port, and while Rowan rests, River and Raylan have gone off to peer around.

Rewards Granted


Missions/Quests Completed

The trio have accepted the task of aiding the foundation under the promise that they were hired to escort a shipment of supplies and cargo to 'Site 97'. Their reward is either a payout and swornamnesics

Character(s) interacted with

The gang have met Graft, Lipton, Doctor Volk, and doctors Mace and Brean. They have discovered that three are now members of 'D-Class', a set of individuals 'hired' to work for the foundation. Furthermore, the clan was given a demonstration of the artifacts the Foundation keeps hold of, in the form of SCP-3108, a crossbow that converted a perfectly fine barrel into a shabby fruit crate. After taking over the port, River interrogated the leader of the local bandits, resulting in learning about the creatures that have been terrorizing the locals. Sgt. Graft killed the leader before more information could be gleamed.

The Foundation of All

Wailing River

Level 4/2 Tabaxi Chaotic Neutral Bard/Warlock
/ 39 HP

Rowan Willow Timbers

Level 6 Forest Gnome Lawful Good Barbarian
/ 61 HP

Raylan Tallstag

Level 6 Human True Neutral Ranger
(Urban Bounty Hunter)
/ 47 HP
Report Date
25 May 2020

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