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Princess of Perfidy Heights Glamorous Glannis
The Mink Hurricane

Was she beautiful or not beautiful? Why was the wish to look again felt as coercion and not as a longing in which the whole being consents?

The South End
Played by
Serutonan The Wizard of Es-Ness and Lord of Middle MIrth

My lords! My ladies. And everyone else here not sitting on a cushion! (a roar from the crowd) find yourselves equals. For you are all equally blessed. For I have the pride, the privilege, nay, the pleasure....of introducing to you a WIZARD sired by wizards. A wizard who can trace his lineage back beyond Barely Tinkle. I first met him atop a mountain near Mordered, praying to Rod, asking His forgiveness for the hobbit wine spilt by his wand. Next, he amazed me further still in MilkWood when he saved a fatherless beauty from the would-be ravishings of her dreadful Turdish uncle. In Gol Duldur, he spent a year in silence....just to better understand the sound...of a whisper. And so, without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you, the Seeker of Serenity, the Protector of Isthmusian Virginity, the Enforcer of our Lord Rod, the one, the only, SIR SERUTONAN VON LICHTENSTEIN WIZARD OF ES-NESS and Lord Of All Middle Mirth.

Sat 26th Sep 2020 02:26

Death takes a ride out

by Princess of Perfidy Heights Glamorous Glannis

Her platinum hair had an eerie incandesence in the moonlight, and the distant smile on her lips implied promises kept. The blue mink over her shoulders almost made the Phantom Rolls look like just another automobile. It didn't quite. Nothing can. Too bad the tires were shot out.
It was late and getting later, no sense in wasting time.....
She said, "Why don't we just take a cab to your place and get your convertible out? It's such a wonderful night for a run up the coast to The Island. I know some people there who are throwing a dance around the pool."
It would soon be a ride like no other.

The major events and journals in Glamorous's history, from the beginning to today.

[Getting even] ...You're out of practice aren't you. I can help you get in practice again."

09:22 pm - 21.07.2024

Death takes a ride out

Her platinum hair had an eerie incandesence in the moonlight, and the distant smile on her lips implied promises kept. The blue mink over her shoulders almost made the Phantom Rolls look like just another automobile. It didn't quite. Nothing can. Too ba...

02:26 pm - 26.09.2020

After changing my name from Ms. Fluck, you'd think the world would be my oyster.

10:39 pm - 18.07.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Glamorous.

Played by
Serutonan The Wizard of Es-Ness and Lord of Middle MIrth

My lords! My ladies. And everyone else here not sitting on a cushion! (a roar from the crowd) find yourselves equals. For you are all equally blessed. For I have the pride, the privilege, nay, the pleasure....of introducing to you a WIZARD sired by wizards. A wizard who can trace his lineage back beyond Barely Tinkle. I first met him atop a mountain near Mordered, praying to Rod, asking His forgiveness for the hobbit wine spilt by his wand. Next, he amazed me further still in MilkWood when he saved a fatherless beauty from the would-be ravishings of her dreadful Turdish uncle. In Gol Duldur, he spent a year in silence....just to better understand the sound...of a whisper. And so, without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you, the Seeker of Serenity, the Protector of Isthmusian Virginity, the Enforcer of our Lord Rod, the one, the only, SIR SERUTONAN VON LICHTENSTEIN WIZARD OF ES-NESS and Lord Of All Middle Mirth.