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Cohor Pithedaiya

Cohor is a rotted dead man. A revenant is what lore books would call him. An average-sized man, whose decrepit body is masked by gleaming armor, a long, blonde wig, and heavy amounts of makeup.

Mon 9th Nov 2020 11:34

Adventure 6 -- Travel to Wildcross, Day 2

by Cohor Pithedaiya

The group of three took the evening to recuperate from the previous day's encounter. With a day and a half to reach Wildcross, they set off early in the morning.
Leading the group, Cohor confidently forges ahead, the vizier and Talea conversing almost annoyingly. It appears their talking seemed to have driven off any would be predators, as the forest passed by in peace. The came across another area, however, this time much larger, where the canopy grew thicker, the ground squishier, the air heavier, and the branches droopier. They were in a swamp again...
The sounds of life in the swamp quickly became apparent. Up ahead, they saw some bullywugs spearfishing. The bullywugs, however, also noticed them.
The bullywugs approach, hostile. Combat ensues; Cohor manages to crack the leader's shield, but the leader and one of his companions managed to break Cohor's defenses.
Both bullywugs manage to thrust spears into Cohor's armor, which stopped fatal damage. Bonecounter, however, managed to smash the leader's face, collapsing it to the ground. He also managed to strike one of the minion's. It stumbled and then started favoring its side.
The one favoring its side pierced Cohor's armor again, the spear's sharp point causing dull pain. Cohor hit it again in the side, same spot. When it fell to the ground, it didn't get back up again.
Talea disengages and runs away.
Talea sprints away without disengaging.
Skill Challenge: Chase.
Talea fled, running with all she had. She started to outpace the bullywug, found a great place she could hide, and failed to do so. She saw a small ledge, however, that she was able to climb down. The bullywug got to the ledge, leered down at her, then turned and left her alone.
Encounter 1 Talea: She fled, turning it into a successfully escaped chase.
A rat scurried out of a hole in the rocky ledge and snipped its little diseased-filled mouth. Talea squashed it with her quarterstaff, but not before two more wriggled out of the same hole. Soon, she was standing amid three rat corpses... Better than having a frog-creature standing over your corpse, I suppose.
As she tried to still her shaking from the recent fight, she saw a figuring creaking towards her. No time to stop her shaking, it would seem... A skeleton pushed its way through some overhanging branches towards her. It managed to bash hard on her shield, a painful blow, but the power in her staff was able to smash it into the wall. Heart beating even faster, Talea slumped against the rocky ledge and waited to compose herself...
After Cohor defeated this group, he noticed a bullywug had chased down Talea. He healed himself and headed that way. He bid the vizier to follow. His dead heart dropped when he saw the bullywug returning. It croaked sharply, and two dinosaur creatures came to its aid...
It's a mystery how these little frog people were able to curb and train these creatures... But Cohor doesn't have time to ask such questions.
What ensued was a furious bombardment from bullywug javelin and ridged teeth to massive dinosaur tails smashing against Cohor. He called upon Kelemvor for a blessing, which made his attacks more effective against the bullywug. Bonecounter quickly sent the creature into trauma, and he landed some critical blows on the dinosaur's legs, giving him time to land the final strikes where the mattered.
After discovering that Talea was ok, if shaken up, Cohor decided to head towards where he heard lots of swamp noises. He was quickly discovered, however, and the bullywugs weren't friendly. He picked up the first one and threw it at the others in a display of strength and intimidation; the bullywugs scattered. He then tried to find out more about their home; it appears to be a fen of some sort, next to a ledge. The water of the fen seeps into massive opening in the ledge, which he assumed could only be their lair. He didn't see the sinking mud until his first foot sank 10 inches. Thankfully, his instincts kicked in and he knew to lay on his back to prevent the rest of him from sinking, then pull out his foot, though wrenching it free of the hungry earth was much more difficult than he had anticipated.
Talea noticed she wasn't feeling well. She had a ring of bug bites around the back of her neck. The nausea was intense, but she was able to push those intense levels of discomfort aside long enough to search for and identify a plant she could use to nullify the symptoms.
Successful Skill Check: Talea. Not affected by sickness.
They cleared the area containing the bullywug lair and came across an impressive ridge line, barring their way to Wildcross.
Starting Easy Skill Check: Talea.
Successful Skill Check: Talea. Found a 'safe' way to the top of the ridgeline.
Starting Easy Skill Check: Cohor.
Successful Skill Check: Cohor. Managed to climb his way up. He pushed a little too hard a few times, causing him to slip, but he was able to grab hold of something else. Towards the end, he was too exhausted to pull the vizier up, so he had to persuade the man to complete the final ten feet of the climb without Cohor's aid.
In the distance Cohor and Talea noticed a neat ring of standing stones, overlooking a 100-foot cliff. Curious, they headed that way, cautiously and wary of their surroundings.
Several large ravens were flittering about overhead, which caused Cohor to look up. Had it not been for the snapped twig, he would have missed the cloaked figure approaching him in the darkness, scimitar gleaming reflections of the stars.
The cloaked figure struck at Cohor, the blade of the scimitar clipped into his side once and managed to take a second jab. Kelemvor smiled upon Cohor, instilling him with discomforting brutality. He crushed his mace into the attacker's hip and used his shield to shove it to the ground. Imposing, Cohor stood towering above the humanoid, who's hood had fallen, revealing a scaly, human face. With violent ravens swirling around, diving into Cohor with their violent beaks, the dead man brutally swung his mace down several times on the prone snakeperson. He swung until the creature's strugglings ceased.
The ravens swarmed viciously about him; most of their beaks glanced off his chain mail, however. He smashed two with his shield at once out of the air, crushed another like a baseball homerun and caught the final in a down swing. Talea looked at him, eyes wide. The vizier just as astonished.
They continued on, towards the standing stones. Looks like more of the snake-humans performing some kind of a ritual or worship...
More ravens... Cohor's attempt to get closer to the worshippers quietly had no chance of success. He remembered about his little brazier, however. As the creatures raced towards him in hostility, he placed the brazier on the ground.
And from the tendrils of the smoke that never fades, a fire elemental reared its smoldering head. It looked to Cohor, expectantly.
“Burn them.” Cohor says, pointing in the direction of the cultists.
The Fire Elemental nodded its acknowledgement and roared forward, a torment of vicious flames. It passed through several crows, causing them to fall out of the air in smoldering heaps, then reached one of the yuan-ti and touched it. It ignited in flames and shriveled to the ground.
The remainder of the ravens flew passed the elemental, swarming down on top of Cohor. One scored a beak to his forehead, but squashed some with his shield and batted the rest away with Bonecounter.
The remaining snakeperson skirted around the fire elemental, stopping short in front of Cohor, and doused him with a cloud of poison. Cohor smiled, grateful for being dead, then marched forward and motion for the Elemental to approach their enemy from behind to flank it.
The elemental approached from behind and engulfed the cultist in flames, setting its close ablaze. Cohor slammed Bonecounter into its arm with a wincing crack. It raised its scimitar to deflect his next blow, causing it stagger backwards. Fear filled its eyes as its skin started to stick to its burning clothes. The dead man ended its suffering.
Whilst Cohor was handling his fight, two other yuan-ti broke off to take care of Talea and the vizier.
Both battles didn't last more than 20 seconds. Talea shattered the knee of one with her magical quarterstaff and caught the second in the throat, just as Cohor put the smoldering yuan-ti out of its burning misery.
They snoop around the standing stones and Talea finds a map! (Possible waygate? I really wanna find one of these. May be protected by hostile yuan-ti)
The group presses on, leaving the standing stones behind. Once they break free of the ridge more... swamp. A slow 5 miles; Cohor's fiery friend bids him farewell as his full form quickly sucks up into a small, floating flame and then disappears.
Eventually, they find themselves looking out at a large lake, full of ghostly ships.
Discord Link: Adventure 6 Discord

Cohor's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Cohor's history, from the beginning to today.

Reached Level 7!!

Cohor, out of character, participated in a Wildcross arena event, and leveled up!

05:15 pm - 17.12.2020

Adventure 6 -- Travel to Wildcross, Day 2

The group of three took the evening to recuperate from the previous day's encounter. With a day and a half to reach Wildcross, they set off early in the morning. Leading the group, Cohor confidently forges ahead, the vizier and Talea conversing almost ...

11:34 pm - 09.11.2020

Adventure 5 -- Travel to Wildcross, Day 1

Cohor remained, propped up against Talea's shack, eyes opened and unblinking. It was dark out, but warm nonetheless; the moon bright, the air still. He saw the figure of a beast move across the the fort's entrance, which caught his attention. He listened ...

11:16 pm - 09.11.2020

Reached Level 4!!

Cohor slew undead in some rifts, a werewolf, spider creature, and dinosaurs in the fight pits, and some tough bad guys in the gladiator arena. He also gained a Brazier of Fire Elemental Control.

09:02 pm - 03.11.2020

Reached Level 3!!

Cohor saved a damsel in distress!

11:06 pm - 20.10.2020

Adventure 4 -- Damsel in Distress

[b]Discord Link[/b]:...

08:47 pm - 20.10.2020

Damsel in Distress

Cohor left Marxstaff and followed his map to the bandits, to find and rescue a woman named Talea. He found her and convinced her to lead them to the bandit camp. En route, he was stalked and attacked by several badgers. Bandits were out searching for Talea and they came across the first group. Dispatched, they headed to the fort, which they found. They were ambushed, Talea bound and carried away. Cohor cut down his enemies, invaded the fort, killed Talea's 2-time captors, and rescued the damsel in distress.

08:46 pm - 20.10.2020

Deactivate the Marxstaff Portal

Descending into the depths of Marxstaff's water well, Cohor discovered some bestial fiends and other monsters infesting the underground caverns. Cohor dispatched these creatures and discovered a portal framed by an obsidian arch. He removed the four amethysts powering the portal, effectively deactivating it for some future purging.

03:59 pm - 19.10.2020

Reached Level 2!!

Cohor joined a gladiator arena, slightly out of chronological order from his current adventures, where he successfully fought off three rounds of undead, from ghouls, zombies, and more zombies, to the appearance of an avatar of death.

11:20 pm - 15.10.2020

I'm a Monster

Cohor slept in the hamlet he freed from the controlling effects of the effigy. He woke to a woman's scream; he set out to find its source, but instead found looters rummaging through the pockets of the dead. When they caught sight of Cohor, they mistook him for the cause of the Marxstaff Curse and attacked. Gray, boiled, crawling hands also appeared to infest the small village. Perhaps the effigy wasn't all affecting Marxstaff? It appears some kind of presence or curse remains. Cohor spotted a cloaked man and chased him; the man's fresh legs, however, allowed him to quickly escape. As Cohor returned to the village green, he met a human paladin of Tyr, who, once he took in Cohor's features, was determined to smite Cohor and drive his evil presence away from this place. The poor paladin will instead grace the village as his final resting place... Cohor also discovered his ability to sense good and evil. A great out-pouring of evil is coming from the hamlet's water well. Deciding to investigate further after recovering his energy, Cohor retreated to his bed in the empty inn, hoping that sleeping during the day might provide his cold body some warmth.

02:33 pm - 13.10.2020

I'm a monster. The image of my face strikes fear into the men who see me. Three men have attacked me on site, fear alight in their eyes. That fear died with them.

02:25 pm - 13.10.2020

Purging of Marxstaff

The dangerous little creature atop Carris Hill relayed information from Kelemvor, the god of the dead. He requested that I purge Marxstaff, a nearby hamlet, of a curse that resulted in the unnatural, untimely deaths of its inhabitants. I found and slew some possessed animals. And three men. One had on a bone mask and tried to defend a crooked effigy with a glowing violet gem with his life. They met their demise, and the effigy has been destroyed.

03:58 pm - 07.10.2020

Bothersome little man. Doesn't he know what I'm going through? Belittling and threatening... I'll show him I can handle myself.

03:39 pm - 07.10.2020

My brother murdered me... But now I'm alive? Now my task is to slay him. Now a king. Why couldn't I have just stayed dead?

03:38 pm - 07.10.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cohor.