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Grare Demmol

The man before you stands a little taller than average with a lanky-but-athletic build. Dark hair blankets his forearms, he wears long hair slicked back into a ponytail, sports a full beard, and boasts a scar across his blinded left eye.

Tue 7th Mar 2023 06:08

The Voyage to Muckmouth

by Grare Demmol


Among the objects looted from the defeated pirates, the ones that attacked The Crimson Eel en route from the unnamed island to Wildcross, was a recurring symbol: a skull with several stylized tentacles writhing below it. These wouldn’t be the first high-seas pirates to use tentacle motifs, but the strange language labelling the potion and spell scroll suggests they have some connection to an otherworldly power, or at least an occult Sage leading them.
After arriving in Wildcross, the captain of the Crimson Eel confers with other ship captains at the docks who noticed the damage to the vessel. He catches Grare and Twilight as they disembark, explaining that these pirates have been raiding isolated settlements and attacking merchant vessels around the archipelago. Apparently they became more active since the recent Rifting - an annual event in the archipelago that sees undead invaders pour through inter dimensional portals. The Eel’s captain suggests that Grare and Twilight, seeming like the adventuring sort, look for clues in the recently marauded town of Muckmouth, a fledgling settlement on the far side of Dominion Isle.

Day One

Taking the Job

Twilight and I spoke quietly for a moment after the job was presented to us. We wasn't sure at first if this was how we wanted to start the new life. This was indeed a new place. The stories the crew told us on our way to this port city was... too much. But... we did find what we set out to discover! A new start and a new life!
But eventually Twilight convinced me. We was to get started off here on the right foot! Making friends with ship captains and doing them a favor was a sure way to create a good reputation and earn us some valuable allies and friends.
We found ourselves an inn for the night and we met back on the docks afore the sun rose.
Back aboard The Crimson Eel we went! Captain Crimson was a good man, and his crew was swell. Elves, dwarves, half-orcs, humans... It seemed race didn't matter beneath those sails. He offered to take us to Muckmouth free of charge! That told Twilight and me that this was a matter worth its weight in favors. Actions speak louder than words, or so mum had always said. It was a long way, too. All the way on the other side of the Isle. And they say that this isle, Dominion Isle, is one of the biggest in all of these islands about!

The Strip of Broiling Water

About half-way to Muckmouth, late in the evening, the ship jolted hard. The crow's nest fellah had just noticed a massive strip of broiling water and we were about to sail clean through it! Anchor was dropped and conversations were had... I was tired of the lack of action, so I just... dove on in! The water was hot. I mean hot, hot. I came back out with big blisters on my skin. The ship doc had to look at me and rub some smelly salves on my flesh. I got some weird looks from the crew. I got, uhh... a lot of... hair. More than most of them see, I guess.
I reported what I saw, which was that there was a big crack on the ocean floor and there was hot stuff oozing out! The Captain figured that, because I was still alive after foolishly jumping in near boiling water, that his vessel should be able to pass through just fine. And what do you know! It did!

Wo-man Down

I learned on my way up that Twilight had taken a slip and split open her head when trying to follow me off the ship... Doc said she'd be fine, but that she would not be in condition fit for exploring Muckmouth tomorrow... The captain and the crew talked. That's when they decided to send the giant, Aiokētos Matsoukas, Aio for short, with me in Twilight's place. The dog slapped my tender, freshly-scalded skin a few times... It took everything I had to not bite him. Had to remember what Twilight always said... First impressions, first impressions... I managed. Baring your teeth doesn't count as biting. Right?

A Companion Fit for War

Aio and I traded some of our origin stories. I spoke of Twilight's and my arrival to this new place. Dragonsmoke Archipelago, they call it. He came from one of the outer isles. Called it Thrāvosï. Ran by some Archon folks. Said something about fighting in some pits for a living before he found himself under the crimson sails. By the gods, I would have hated to been pitted against this man. He looks like he eats bricks for breakfast!

The Planks

"The Planks" were spotted at the end of our first day. We had to douse the lights, but we was too late. They boarded us in their big war-galleon and taxed us for a bunch of stuff. Captain Crimson was in a sour mood all the next morning...

Day Two

Muckmouth at Noon

Muckmouth wasn't a sight to behold. It was a ruined down built next to a river delta, with many of the leaning and decrepit structures having been built on stilts to avoid flooding. It was hot and muggy and the insects buzzed in clouds all around. And they liked to bite.
The delta wasn't clear, either. It seems the water was low and there were stagnant and stinking pools by the score. Dirty foamy froth clung to floating and jammed logs. It smelled strongly of sulfur, and the ground seemed to squish some half-inch or so with each step...
There didn't appear to be any people in the streets and along the narrow bridge walkways that ran between buildings; just a few crows and magpies.

Stickers and Snakes

No sooner that our feet stepped on the squishy earth outside of Muckmouth than did a horde of buzzing stickers the size of a flying puppy come zooming out of the trees, big straw-like spears aimed at our hearts. We beat them off, but not after both of us got poked.... We retreated back to the shore and rested, checking our wounds and ability to stand, talking about life... then we headed back in and... well... I don't really remember what happened after that. I woke up in a bed... again.
Aio said I got bit by a snake. I don't remember it. I tried to teach him how to play Three-dragon Ante. I don't think he was liking Muckmouth. Or our situation. The man wasn't very patient. He rummaged the kitchen and found some old sweet rolls. We felt a bit more... at ease once our stomachs were full. Eventually, I was able to get up and walk around. Then it was back to finding clues about these pirates... And why Muckmouth was a ghost town (although, I could guess at a few reasons, and pirates ain't one of 'em!).

Boot Prints in the Mud

After poking around the village, I eventually spotted some boot prints in the mud. We followed them and they took us to a cave opening in a small hill sticking out over the swamp. I admitted to Aio that I wasn't feeling well enough to explore it. Thank the gods that he was patient here; we returned to that hut and slept through the night...

Day Three


Spelunking with Pirates

Sweet bread for breakfast than an early start to exploring the cave. It didn't take long for us to see three pirate-folk, standing illuminated by some moon-like white light. One of them had a tricorn hat and another had a neat black bandana around his forehead. That let us get the surprise on them and, well... it worked! The pirates died to our weapons almost before they knew what happened.
I may have, uhh... lost it a little. I transitioned when we was fighting that last pirate. The one with the tricorn hat. I fled to the darkness to escape my shame. By some miracle, Aio understood. He didn't look at me like I was less when I returned. We found this high-quality chess pawn made out of glass. That's when we decided to head back to the Eel and report our findings to Captain Crimson...

Grare's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Land, Ho!
    07 Mar 2023 05:19:15
  2. The Voyage to Muckmouth
    07 Mar 2023 06:08:18

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