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Amaryllis Momento
Mara, Amara, Ryllis, Lis

Amaryllis is a tiefling cleric, who serves the god of trickery, Kalatl. She uses her status to sell information and her company to people of interest. Between jobs, Amaryllis seeks out entertainment and companionship.

Mon 26th Sep 2022 06:55

A Sucker for Lonely Hearts

by Amaryllis Momento

Amaryllis is bored. She draws a blade across the throat of her target and wipes it off on his clothes. It had been so easy to pull him aside, and his willingness to follow a young woman into an alleyway had been utterly predictable. A quick, dull job that left Amaryllis with a bitter taste in her mouth. Amaryllis no longer had qualms about the morality of murder. It was a necessary act, one that kept her family and few friends safe. However, that didn't mean she liked getting her hands dirty.
After disposing of the body, Amaryllis found herself drifting towards the Thieves' Guild entrance. It was her routine after a job, to surround herself with people who picked up similar jobs. Amaryllis felt safer among the various criminals and mercenaries. They were people she'd grown up alongside, who'd earned the respect and reputations that followed them. She wipes the blood off her dagger and heads towards the bar, leaning across the counter to flirt with the bartender. The woman rolls her eyes and smiles, pushing a drink into Amaryllis' hands and shooing her away. She sighs and complies, the drink sliding smoothly down her throat as she sets it back on the bar.
Amaryllis is bored. She turns toward the tables, scanning the room for something or someone to break up the monotony of her evenings. There' s hours to kill before accepting another job, and if she's lucky she'll find a pretty face to strike up a conversation with. It's always a treat to meet new people, and Amaryllis is no stranger to the loneliness stinking up the guild's air. Everyone here has a job to do, a price to pay, and something missing in their life. It would be a challenge to find a person here who would turn down her company.
Amaryllis has always liked challenges, and her eyes narrow in victory as her gaze lands on a young woman by the bounties. The woman is slightly hunched over and muttering to herself, as pale and thin as a ghost. Amaryllis smiles wickedly and strides over to her new target, the esteemed Lady Nonya Maru.
"Fancy finding you here sweetheart," she drawls.
Maru is...not amused. She glares, her expression and eyes turning icy cool as she turns toward Amaryllis. She's stopped talking to thin air though, so Amaryllis counts this interaction as a win. By the flash of irritated recognition in her glare, Amaryllis can tell Maru remembers her. What from, she can't say. She's run into the merchant countless times, and has never found her dull company. As cold-hearted as Maru appears to be, there was once an old rumor of a tiefling who ripped her heart to shreds. Amaryllis had, of course, threatened the people gossiping about said rumor that should she hear it again, she'd gladly gut them and display their heads on a pike. Such a cruel thing, to delight in another's loss of love.
Maru has finished telling Amaryllis to go away, and her body language is rigidly miserable as she waits for Amaryllis to run away like any other spineless lackey. Amaryllis smiles sharply, engaging her in a very one-sided conversation. Maru is blunt and makes her displeasure known while she tries to evade Amaryllis.
Amaryllis is a bit concerned by how thin Maru seems, as well as why she's always seen alone. Surely she must get lonely, even if she actively tries to frighten off anyone looking to befriend her. She knows how tricky merchants can be, but Nonya Maru has never been one to back away from a deal. This knowledge has Amaryllis pulling her in for a hug and pickpocketing her of the bounty. It's purely by coincidence that this is likely the most physical affection Maru's had with anyone for a long time. It might just be her imagination, but Amaryllis feels Maru relax a bit as she pulls back and chatters continuously. Constant noise seems to put the merchant at ease, and she stops looking so much like a cornered animal.
It's as thrilling as it is exhilarating to strike a deal with Nonya Maru, handing her back the information in exchange for Amaryllis' company on her bounty. She's sure that she can convince Maru to let her stay by her side longer, once Amaryllis becomes more of a person and less of an annoyance to her. For now, Amaryllis is content to play the irritating fool or flirt. It's what she's known for, and her reputation is the biggest performance of her life.
She does love her entertainment, and Nonya Maru is a pretty picture to behold. She's beautiful in a dangerously poisonous way, and Amaryllis finds herself drawn to the young woman. It's rare that she feels such strong attachment to someone outside the family, and yet Amaryllis wants to spend time with her. She of course, does not feel the same about Amaryllis.
That's quite alright. Amaryllis has all the time in the world to bond with Nonya Maru, to gain her trust and talk with her. Nonya Maru looks at Amaryllis like she can't believe she hasn't run yet, and that look makes Amaryllis realize that she'd like to keep Maru around. Nonya Maru is viciously smart, and Amaryllis knows she could leave her behind in an instant if she wished to.
Amaryllis is no longer bored. She's lucky to have found Nonya Maru, and even luckier to have bargained for her company. She selfishly hopes that her luck won't run dry, and she can travel with the merchant lady for awhile longer.
Nonya Maru is one of the smartest and prettiest people she's ever met, and Amaryllis Momento wonders for the upteenth time, why anyone would ever break her heart.
Amaryllis Momento makes a deal with herself that she won't make a similar mistake. Afterall, heartbreak is such an unnecessary tragedy.

The major events and journals in Amaryllis's history, from the beginning to today.

A Sucker for Lonely Hearts

Amaryllis is bored. She draws a blade across the throat of her target and wipes it off on his clothes. It had been so easy to pull him aside, and his willingness to follow a young woman into an alleyway had been utterly predictable. A quick, dull job tha...

06:40 am - 26.09.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Amaryllis.