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Rowan Oleander

As a cleric and priestess of the Infallible Goddess, Rowan spends her time helping and healing those who need it.

Sun 21st Jan 2024 03:30


by Rowan Oleander


Eli shows her the scrap of charred paper and Rowan forgets how to breathe. Of everything to survive a fire, of course it would be the one word that binds Rowan to this legacy.
She’d thought her mother was dead. Lorena was a cold woman, awful enough that Rowan and Lydia had celebrated after the funeral. Now the anchor had returned to drag Rowan down the same path, through the sewers to a laboratory thick with despair.
Like mother, like daughter.
Had the stationmaster recognized Lorena’s features when Rowan stood over him? Rowan had waited to heal until after the group had decided his fate, her ribcage squeezing in sympathy. There was very little she could do to heal this man.
Grief climbs up her throat and blooms like a flower, Rowan’s eyes fixed on that damning word.
Memory raps at Rowan’s skull and demands to recall the dead.
Lorena sent Rowan to become a cleric, the one who offered up Alexandria on a silver platter to a failed adventuring guild. Lorena had perfect calligraphy that Rowan would recognize anywhere—even if it was smudged with soot.
Rowan has faced worse monsters than her mother, but she’s still stricken with fear at what she might discover. Her friends had taken down Alexandria quickly—and Gerath had killed her with gleeful nonchalance. Even rational, stoic Eli expressed her urge to strike Lydia down. Rowan’s mother will be no different.
Lorena will just be another person that isn’t human enough for Rowan to be allowed to save, someone she’ll mourn over after her friends have washed their hands of the blood.
Rowan stares at the stationmaster before her, wondering if he’d be happier with a dagger in his gut. The worst part is that she doesn’t think she could bring herself to hurt him—he’s suffered enough at the hands of an Oleander.
Rowan’s known her family was odd, but now her bloodline was birthing monsters. The women around Rowan are turning. It’s a pattern that doesn’t escape her notice.
Lorena, Lydia, Alexandria. One dead, two left.
It’s a vicious cycle that Rowan’s trying to break, flailing against the tides of time. She’s low on oxygen, lungs filled only with regret when she comes up for air.
The stationmaster’s still beyond healing. Takoda and Severin are asking Mateus what’s wrong, Floret’s peering into the sewer like it’s going to bite her, and Eli’s still staring at Rowan.
Rowan Oleander. Her name’s meaning was chosen carefully—there is protection in poisoning everyone around oneself.
Some people are an elixir, others a venom. But Rowan Oleander, she slips under the skin, invading the bloodstream to seize hearts with cautious hands.
Rowan Oleander was exactly what Lorena wanted her to be.
Not a person. A threat.

Rowan's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Frogs & Friendship
    25 Jul 2021 06:28:17
  2. The Importance of Immortalization
    05 Aug 2021 06:39:21
  3. Alexandria’s Goodbye
    13 Aug 2021 03:55:47
  4. Profiling
    28 Jun 2022 12:51:10
  5. The First Person Rowan Allowed Herself To Love
    29 Jun 2022 02:51:43
  6. The Aftermath of Everess’ Banquet
    25 Jul 2022 12:39:20
  7. What Was Left of Caviri
    31 Jul 2022 07:12:46
  8. Felspear’s Graveyard
    01 Aug 2022 05:10:30
  9. Dangerous Choices
    18 Aug 2022 10:40:24
  10. Alone Together
    20 Aug 2022 05:26:23
  11. Adrift
    27 Aug 2022 11:35:49
  12. Fix It
    04 Sep 2022 06:04:34
  13. Chosen
    22 Oct 2022 02:38:27
  14. Gone but not Forgotten
    04 Dec 2022 04:39:34
  15. Catalyst
    20 Jul 2023 11:16:09
  16. Oleander
    21 Jan 2024 03:30:21

The major events and journals in Rowan's history, from the beginning to today.


The Church of the Infallible Goddess was built upon the tale of a young martyr, a woman who sacrificed herself for the sake of her people. The people in Estovia created a church in her honor, in an attempt to carry out her legacy. The Church expanded at a...

02:38 am - 22.10.2022


Rowan doesn’t know where she is. There’s blurry shapes and shadows that contort into humanoids, but she is lost in an unfamiliar place. Something tells her that she should recognize this, that she should be used to it all by now. When this happens...

05:08 am - 04.09.2022


Nyx is standing with their arms crossed, and the entire group is looking at Rowan. Everyone is looking at her, and she is frozen in place. There's nowhere for her to run, no one for her to hide behind this time. The worst part is that she wants so badly ...

11:35 pm - 27.08.2022

Alone Together

When Rowan hits the masked intruder with a bolt of lightning, she aims for the mask. The mask, with its too-wide grin, seems to leer at her & shatters. Rowan watches calmly as the masked assailant is eviscerated into quickly dissipating smoke. The peo...

05:11 am - 19.08.2022


Rowan is tired, but she cannot allow herself to rest. She immerses herself in the crowd that is frozen with fascination, listening to the New Transcendalist preacher. They speak with the warmth and clarity of someone who is practiced in the art of public ...

10:38 pm - 18.08.2022

Felspear’s Graveyard

The graveyard stretches out in front of Rowan, headstones jutting out from beneath like broken teeth. Michael, the groundskeeper walks behind Rowan, and she’s suddenly frozen in place. Ollie stops mid-snarl as Michael walks around to face Rowan. “...

05:10 am - 01.08.2022

The Monster of Caviri

I miss Dria. I wished I could’ve done something to save her, or find her sooner to put her out of her misery. I knew she was alive, but I never thought that she would’ve been corrupted into whatever that creature was. I had hoped to find her, to r...

05:23 am - 31.07.2022

The Aftermath of Everess’ Banquet

Lady Everess is alive. Everyone else is alive. I have to keep reminding myself that they’re still alive. That we still have a chance, even if we’re considered traitors of Estovia. So much has happened. The banquet went terribly, but we managed to ...

03:15 am - 11.07.2022

The First Person Rowan Allowed Herself To Love

Priestesses of the Infallible Goddess aren’t meant to love. They’re made to serve Estovia, to serve the Church. They’re made to be adored, meant to be loved only from afar. Marriage is simply a convenient ritual that placates the Estonian people. An...

02:51 pm - 29.06.2022

People I've met since everything went wrong

Marcus: He's like a father to me. Not that he would ever see me as his own blood, but he's who I wish Virren could be for me. We even have a special watch that we communicate with, and he always listens to me. He's the first person who actually cared abou...

06:41 pm - 09.08.2021

The Importance of Immortalization

Rowan had always been a sucker for stories. Her father was an Archivist, so perhaps her love for words was genetic. To Rowan, writing was as natural as breathing. She would spend days at a time in the Church's library, hunched over paper. Her fingers were...

06:39 am - 05.08.2021

Alexandria’s Goodbye

Sitting on the beach is Dria (Alexandria). She turns to look at Rowan, and she smiles. It’s a bittersweet expression, laced with sadness and grief. She pats the ground next to her, and says “Rowan, will you you sit with me? Just—just for a mom...

06:29 am - 25.07.2021

Frogs & Friendship

Church bells sound throughout the halls, and doors begin fly open as young girls burst out of their classrooms. Free of chores and lessons for the day, they gather under trees outside the Church building. A young Rowan is pulled along by a curly-haired ...

06:28 am - 25.07.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Rowan.