Florian van der Jager | World Anvil

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Florian van der Jager

Handsome, Flamboyant and open about his desires

The major events and journals in Florian's history, from the beginning to today.

A lot of secrets were shared today! I suppose I should have expected it, considering a task like this one wouldn't be given to just any individual. I'm just glad it has given me a chance to become closer with my new colleagues <3

11:07 pm - 22.07.2022

I'm used to getting stared at of course, but this roommate is giving me a vibe I haven't felt before? #VinbrookVibes

09:46 pm - 15.07.2022

My hips don't lie dear, and nor do my tunes~

09:34 pm - 15.07.2022

After a week of failing to get the attention I deserved from these townsfolk, Gally finally returned with a whole new crew. They managed to get through to a few of these people, and I couldn't be more proud~ One of the new fellows even chose to be my roommate, and of course I can't blame them. Tomorrow will be our first little outing, and I'm excited to see what these rascals are capable of ;)

09:13 pm - 15.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Florian.