Yfirge'Finn | World Anvil

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Things have taken an interesting turn. All these tribes are scary, sure, but there are interdimensional demons and space gods fucking around now. What am I supposed to do!?

Campaign & Party

Adventurers of Sludge Cinematic Universe

Haarin Guy Yfirge'Finn Dust Silvio Lucién Elthé Ruyi
Run by questingbeast

The major events and journals in Yfirge'Finn's history, from the beginning to today.

Once adversaries, now allies. I thank Kelthar for standing by our side. This Tharkian leader Telarus pulling the strings is quite the reveal, but it shines light upon what Kemmis warned me about back then, the constant fear of invasion from the south. I wonder what Iberian is up to...

09:49 pm - 11.05.2022

I have succeeded in saving my tribe. The ring I have carried with me so long was their prison, and they are now free. The Queen of the Errano too has shown herself to be alive, which may have a positive effect on those of her kin guarding God's Haven. They are all heading for Snowcake, and I will meet them there again soon. First I must find the mercenaries of Klum and head to Furanei, as they split from me and Elthé days prior. Finding their tracks in these uncharted parts may prove difficult even for me. Speaking of Elthé, she's shown a side of her that I hadn't picked up on before, she's hiding something. I don't enjoy confronting people, especially those that have helped me, but it's becoming too hard to ignore. Maybe Zula was right.

07:55 pm - 20.04.2022

So long little one, may we meet once again in a land of peace.

03:26 pm - 06.04.2022

I love that fucking mountain bruv #Suuth'Kallos

08:12 pm - 31.03.2022

The new recruits from Klum have so far shown to be a mixed bag of competence. My journey to the mountain might take longer than I anticipated. Suuth'Kallos, lend me your patience.

10:33 am - 31.03.2022

I have now passed through the holy mountain himself, and have met with agents of his word. Having been blessed by the sister, the child and the agents, I feel more than anything that I am following the right path.

09:13 pm - 17.03.2022

So we just took down some kind of dragon in the underworld who was trying to convince me to join him, claiming I was of his "kin". He's beyond delusional if he thought I was going to join some random ground worm rather than the one and only #Suuth'Kallos. Just went through the portal and most are unharmed, aside from one of Silvio's group that joined us. I'm about to break down, feeling unbelievably tired. My conscious is fading... where did this portal take us? Is this place... familiar..?

10:32 pm - 13.03.2022

So it seems all this time I could have used... two weapons, as I do in fact have two hands. This has made me wonder if I am agile enough with my tail, as tying a third weapon to it might allow me to fight even more swiftly. Might beed to look into this some more... #EverythingForSuuth'Kallos

11:35 am - 02.03.2022

I have high hopes for our chances at defending Treff. I myself will most likely participate little, as my dagger and I are anything but open battlefield friendly.

04:35 pm - 18.02.2022

Currently in Treff. I was thinking of what to do with the child, as we can't carry her with us for too long. The dangers of the valley are harsh, much more for a human without scales to defend her. Dust claims to have a solution, a group somewhere north east of here that can train her so she can defend herself. That is good, knowing how to fight is very important. We won't be able to see her again if we choose that path, however that does not matter. She should be safer with them than with us. The world has taken her family, so we will gift her a new one. ...yet the idea of it gives me a strange feeling, as if my heart grows heavier. There is a chance I've contracted an infection from the wounds those guards gave me. I should ask Haarin or Ruyi to check up on me soon.

12:26 am - 11.02.2022

I have a question regarding the the nutrition required for the healthy growth of a human. I'm aware they grow slightly slower than I and those like me would, however do they need anything in particular?

06:44 pm - 03.02.2022

This strange device is capable of drawing a portrait within seconds, it perplexes me greatly.

02:36 pm - 28.01.2022

Honestly, this trip so far has got me hooked

06:33 pm - 24.01.2022

Anyone up for darts later? Just made a new bunch #ThankYouSuuthKallos

11:43 pm - 23.01.2022

Where the fuck am I

11:35 pm - 23.01.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Yfirge'Finn.