Euros Quetzal | World Anvil

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Euros Quetzal

Euros comes from an equatorial jungle culture, where hunting is survival, and sacrifices appease the gods. He is slight, short, and athletic, honey brown skin, straight dark hair of shoulder length, but both sides shaved. Hears the voice of his ancestor.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Euros's history, from the beginning to today.

Session III: Trials of Mournwood

07:21 pm - 26.02.2021

Session III: Trials of Mournwood

01:32 am - 10.01.2021

Session II: Recovering Keelan

12:53 am - 10.01.2021

Session II: Recovering Keelan

01:43 am - 13.12.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Euros.

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