Chirurgeon Bargurin Yornan | World Anvil

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Chirurgeon Bargurin Yornan

Tall, stoic. Older(40), knowledge. From Havens, traveled many places initially. Setting here(***) Passing on healing. Wife died number of years ago. Teaching an new healer.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Bargurin's history, from the beginning to today.

Session III: Trials of Mournwood

07:21 pm - 26.02.2021

Session III: Trials of Mournwood

01:32 am - 10.01.2021

Session II: Recovering Keelan

12:53 am - 10.01.2021

Session II: Recovering Keelan

01:43 am - 13.12.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Bargurin.

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