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A Ironsworn game In the world of Ironsworn
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  • Ironlands
    The Ironlands is a vast peninsula in the northern ocean. The people who now refer to themselves as Ironlanders settled here two generations ago, cast out of their homelands by a catastrophic event. Since that time, they have survived but not prospered. The Ironlands are a harsh, dangerous place. The winters are long and brutal. Harvests are uncertain. Depending on the choices you make as you create your version of the Ironlands, monstrous beasts and dreaded horrors may be a constant threat.
Supporting Cast
  • Glain
    Glain works as an herbalist understudy to Bargurin learning various plants and healing agents available in the natures of Ironsworn. Glain is influential, vengeful, and confused. His goal is to gain knowledge. His attitude is commonly suspicious. He typically will attempt to influence situations.
  • Ikram
    Ikram is the eldest member of the Wolfbrook community and provides shelter to those requiring it. She often trades with outsiders to the community. She is the grandmother of the current overseer, Jagger. Ikram is timid, old, and weak. She is rumored to have some magical gifts. Ikram's goal is to collect a debt. Her attitude is typically friendly. She approaches situations hunting for something.
  • Overseer Jagger
    Jagger is the overseer of Wolfbrook for the last 5 springs. His father was overseer of the village before him. Jagger is proud, charming, and clever. His goal is to resolve disputes. His attitude is commonly curious. He typically will attempt to learn of the plights of others.
  • Katherine
    Katherine is the younger sister of Euros. She travels with her brother to assist on his quest. Katherine is fervent, cheery and sociable. She displays natural leadership qualities. Katherine's goal is to avenge a wrong. Her attitude is often cooperative. She will typically bargain with others.
  • Katja
    Katja is the wife of the Overseer, Glain, in Wolfbrook. She faithfully serves her community. Katja is cunning, resourceful, and proud. Katja's goal is to protect a secret. Her attitude is often guarded. She can often be found restoring.
  • Keelan
    Keelan is the sickly young brother of Vigo. He has a lame leg and is constantly ill. He tries to work as a hunter, looking mostly for mushrooms near the village. He is confident, loyal and incompetent. Keelan's goal is to find a person. He is naturally curious. He is often willing to sacrifice something to achieve his goals.
  • Tio
    Tio is the son of Jagger and Katja. Under his father's influence, he grows into an impressive young man. Tio is bold, charming, and young. His goal is to secure provisions. His attitude is commonly helpful. He typically will attempt to control situations.
  • Vidarna
    Vidarna is an elven guide living remotely in the Deep Wilds. He is infamous, bold, and violent. His goal is to find redemption. His attitude is often wanting of something. He usually approaches situations by seizing something.
  • Wynne
    Wynne is a Quiet, Obsessed, and Dangerous Bandit. Their goal is to Travel to a place. Their attitude toward you is Helpful. Their initial activity is Resting.

Sessions Archive

9th Jan 2021

Session III: Trials of Mournwood

The party travels to Mournwood

12th Dec 2020

Session II: Recovering Keelan

28th Nov 2020

Session I: World Building

Introduce the players to the world. Goals: 1 - Build the initial settlement 2 - Inciting Incident (group and background vows) 3 - Bonds

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Euros Quetzal



Chirurgeon Bargurin Yornan