Golin Skyminder

Member of an ancient, mostly forgotten order of protectors of the material plane. Seems to have a thing for secret societies, in fact. Spent the last couple hundred years in the frozen wastes.

Fri 23rd Sep 2022 04:24


by Golin Skyminder

I had nearly reached it.. the artifact my master had spoken of centuries ago. It has been so long since my training, I have watched the skies for so long. This quest has lit a spark in me like I haven’t felt in what feels like forever. But wounded as I was, I couldn’t hope to defeat those Gith who were watching over the Covenant. Lucky I had that Ethereal Oil in my pack!
It seems this realm - wherever it is - has caught quite a bit of planar detritus. Who knows if these Gith even know why they are guarding the Covenant, or what it is. I’ll bet I’m one of the only ones left on the material plane who even knows about the Flow, let alone studies and uses it. The trip back to the altar was harrowing, what with all the flying javelins of those modron, but here I am again… This time I will not fail.

The major events and journals in Golin's history, from the beginning to today.


I had nearly reached it.. the artifact my master had spoken of centuries ago. It has been so long since my training, I have watched the skies for so long. This quest has lit a spark in me like I haven’t felt in what feels like forever. But wounded as I ...

04:24 am - 23.09.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Golin.