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Atme Mire “Mercy” Ch’meal Derswho Entongue, level 3 Adventurer / P Mage + P Shapeshifter + P Beastmaster , Female Human from
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Sat 16th Oct 2021 01:33

Amma, I miss you so

by Mercy

Dear Journal,
Gods I am so fucking annoyed with the anti-inocculation dipshits back home. Like, shut the fuck up. You’re wrong. You’re wrooong!! We could’ve prevented the spread of the disease had they not dicked around whining about shit they made up.
I have to vent, Journal. Not just about that. [short doodle of eye roll face] It’s been a long time, and a lot has happened. I talk to drug dealers and fight robots now. What else? There’s Selena, that little bitch! Guhhh I can’t believe I have to drag her along to make it through school. Yes, I just wrote “Guhhh.” Why? Because you need to know.
Iago keeps me somewhat sane. Zadrick and Clive keep me somewhat insane. Amma [Mom], what would you do with someone who punches through open doors and punches people trying to check out books? I don’t know what to do about any of the things that have happened these past couple days. I just want you to cradle me in your arms like when I was young.
I remember the day you took me to the stream. “Time is like the water, thija [affectionate term for daughter]. It flows and flows. You can try to stand in its way, but you can never make it stop. That’s a lesson I’m trying hard to learn too. The stars have foretold that you are destined for great things, and I cannot make the water stop.”
I didn’t understand. “What do you mean?”
“We are connected to all things through nature. And you are very special. You have a very strong connection. To each of these fish, all the trees, and the sky and the stream.”
“Even that little snail?”
“Even that little snail. Now if you can focus on him, you can-”
“Her, Amma!”
“If you can focus on her hard enough, there are very special things you can do.”
“What kind of things?”
“That’s for fate and nature to decide.”
“Even horses?”
“Yes, thija. Especially the things you love the most.”
“What about the creepy scary things with tentacles?”
“Where have you seen one of those?”
“I don’t know. Octopus.”
“Oh. Oh. I thought you meant something else. You’re scared of octopuses?”
“Okay,” you replied, knowingly.
The look on your face the first time I forged the Beast… I still crack up thinking about it. Oh I miss you so. I’m going to help you wake up, Amma. I promise.

Mercy's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. It won't let me sleep
    06 Oct 2021 01:00:37
  2. Amma, I miss you so
    16 Oct 2021 01:33:55

The major events and journals in Mercy's history, from the beginning to today.

Amma, I miss you so

Dear Journal, Gods I am so fucking annoyed with the anti-inocculation dipshits back home. Like, shut the fuck up. You’re wrong. You’re wrooong!! We could’ve prevented the spread of the disease had they not dicked around whining about shit they ma...

01:33 pm - 16.10.2021

It won't let me sleep

Dear Makesa, You or my village? The thought haunts my mind each night. Through the quiet coos from Iago’s corner of the room, an eavesdropper could easily hear my twists and turns until dawn. Zadrick and Clive make me laugh. My classmates make me lau...

01:00 am - 06.10.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Mercy.

Played by

Other Characters by rmdunn107