Danial Mclean | World Anvil

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Danial Mclean

Silent and deadly with a bow and arrow. Likes to stay in the background and loves to hunt.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Other characters
21st of Irae 124 ADW

Op zoek naar Bokrug

by Danial Mclean


Danial's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Journal
    10 Mar 2022 08:31:21
  2. Vrijheid
    3rd of Nex 123 ADW
  3. Op zoek naar Bokrug
    21st of Irae 124 ADW

The major events and journals in Danial's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 36

02:57 pm - 02.09.2023

Session 36

10:15 am - 02.09.2023

Session 35

03:21 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 35

02:52 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 34

02:39 pm - 15.10.2022

Session 34

10:03 am - 15.10.2022

Session 31/32

03:49 pm - 20.08.2022

Session 31/32

09:26 am - 20.08.2022

Session 29/30

02:17 pm - 23.07.2022

Session 29/30

10:03 am - 23.07.2022

Session 28

04:03 pm - 19.03.2022

Session 28

11:00 am - 19.03.2022

Session 27

04:24 pm - 12.03.2022

Session 27

01:16 pm - 12.03.2022

Oh wow I just joined the crossroad heroes. I hope the party members are not annoying :)

08:56 pm - 10.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Danial.

Played by

Other Characters by thomkok24