Krani Ternazir | World Anvil

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Krani Ternazir

Hardened artificer turned rogue on a quest to eradicate evil.

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Fri 11th Mar 2022 10:50

To Rid the World of Evil

by Krani Ternazir

I've decided to keep a journal. There are many evils in this world, too much to keep track of sometimes.
By writing down what I know of such evils, and my plans for dealing with them, perhaps some stranger can continue my quest when I am gone.
As a short introduction to the reader; My name is, or was, Krani Ternazir. I'm a forest gnome artificer.
I was originally from Glimmerbreach, but I spent most of my life in Andfield.
As can be gathered from my earlier statements; my sole mission in this world is to purge it of evil.
To provide justification for such a mission is wholly unnecessary.
It should be obvious to anyone why this goal is a noble one.
I started my quest in the underbelly of Andfield. Morality is a subject most unfamiliar to denizens of the putrid slums, so the progress here was slow.
Every crook cut down spawned several more to take his place. No, to truly rid this world of evil one must reach higher.
Evil brings wickedness in its wake.
I investigated Andfield and it's neighbouring villages for villains. Among many, one stood out to me.
A wretched defiler of the sacred.
A man wanted for the murder of several priests.
A vile murderer named Jefferey. I will hunt this man down.
One such as this must be key to greater evils, his fate likely cursed by the gods the moment he commited his profane sin.
I have a strange feeling the search for Jefferey will bring me to evils far beyond those of the slums of Andfield.

The major events and journals in Krani's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 36

02:57 pm - 02.09.2023

Session 36

10:15 am - 02.09.2023

Session 35

03:21 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 35

02:52 pm - 01.04.2023

Session 34

02:39 pm - 15.10.2022

Session 34

10:03 am - 15.10.2022

Session 33

03:28 pm - 27.08.2022

Session 33

09:55 am - 27.08.2022

Session 31/32

03:49 pm - 20.08.2022

Session 31/32

09:26 am - 20.08.2022

Session 29/30

02:17 pm - 23.07.2022

Session 29/30

10:03 am - 23.07.2022

Session 28

04:03 pm - 19.03.2022

Session 28

11:00 am - 19.03.2022

To Rid the World of Evil

I've decided to keep a journal. There are many evils in this world, too much to keep track of sometimes. By writing down what I know of such evils, and my plans for dealing with them, perhaps some stranger can continue my quest when I am gone. As a sh...

10:50 pm - 11.03.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Krani.

Played by

Other Characters by Purban