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Prince Vallatus Uzara

Tiefling Conquest Paladin of Vygrata, Prince of Ithmareon, Victory or Death!

The Unified Lands of Antochus
Tue 9th Feb 2021 11:11

Vallatus Uzara

by Prince Vallatus Uzara

I was born on the 17th of Erraston, 1779, as the 2nd eldest of 4 children, to King Aldovis Uzara and Queen Regina Uzara of Ithmareon. My mother and father were quite surprised when their child came out with red skin, horns, and a barbed tail, as any parents should be, but that did not change the fact that I was their child, their prince. Growing up I didn't have many friends because of my fiendish nature, except of course one girl named Nyvesta Armadur, who was the youngest daughter of one of my father's counselors. We spent almost every day of our childhood together, running around Castle Ithmar and getting in trouble for various mischievous acts. I was raised worshiping Karash, as that is who my parents found strength in, but I never felt that his tenets were right for me. Once I was old enough to hold a sword, I found that winning is what drives me. I began worshiping Vygrata and found myself taking an oath under her to swear by her tenets. I would often duel other lords and take their armor and weapons after my victory. Partially as a sign of respect and partially as a trophy, I created a piece-meal set of armor out of their armor and weapons. Breaking and tying their weapons to a belt. Of course I did not win every battle; I had my share of devastating defeats but Nyvesta, who had also found power in divinity, was there to patch me up when I needed it. Every opponent I lost to I studied their tactics and came back to beat them in a rematch, except for one: Razbun Sopernik, the son of my father's court wizard. Eventually, my father arranged a marriage for me. He chose the obvious option, Nyvesta, but neither Nyvesta or I were ready to settle down and get married. While not opposed to my to-be spouse, I still craved adventure. The open road and many victories called my name, and that call would not be heard by a married man, tied down by politics. So, the night before the wedding, after informing Nyvesta of my thoughts, I left home for the first time ever. That night, 6 months ago from today, I left home for the first time in my life. I had not seen my family or Nyvesta since then until Nyvesta showed up looking for me.

Vallatus's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Princess Rebana Uzara
    18 Oct 2020 03:10:26
  2. Nyvesta Armadur
    27 Oct 2020 08:38:18
  3. Mysterious Meteor
    15th of Trintos, 1801
  4. Vallatus Uzara
    09 Feb 2021 11:11:15

The major events and journals in Vallatus's history, from the beginning to today.

Mysterious Meteor

Hitchcock continues his strange behavior... Even after traveling with him for weeks he continues to baffle me with his bizarre theories about everything from the water turning amphibians to homosexuality, to gnomes not truly existing. The most personal...

06:52 am - 02.11.2020

Nyvesta Armadur

Nyvesta, the first person to treat me like a normal person instead of treating me with fear or hatred. She is my best friend and the one I hope to spend my life with when I am ready to settle down. When we were very young I spent most days hanging out w...

07:19 pm - 27.10.2020

Princess Rebana Uzara

Rebana, my youngest sister, was born 7 years after me. She was born with celestial blood making her an Aasimar, essentially the opposite of a Tiefling. My parents, once again faced with their child being something they don't truly understand, had me do ...

11:00 pm - 22.09.2020


I was born on the 17th of Erraston, 1779, as the 2nd eldest of 4 children, to King (placeholder) and Queen (placeholder) of Ithmareon. My mother and father were quite surprised when their child came out with red skin, horns, and a barbed tail, as any par...

10:30 pm - 17.09.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Vallatus.