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15th of Trintos, 1801

Mysterious Meteor

by Prince Vallatus Uzara

Hitchcock continues his strange behavior... Even after traveling with him for weeks he continues to baffle me with his bizarre theories about everything from the water turning amphibians to homosexuality, to gnomes not truly existing. The most personal one was his claim that Ithmareon is controlled by Lizardfolk, which is completely bizarre and untrue. From what I can tell he believes his own claims to the fullest extent, not showing any signs of deceit.
In any case, he led us to a meteor crash site in southern ULA. There was a camp of goblinoids guarding it that we quickly dispatched, although I remember there being more of them than the bodies we ended up with, and Hitchcock cast a spell that made a lot of strange, eldritch noises. Jarn and I carved a warpath through the majority of them. Our victory was absolute--I pleased Vygrata this day. After the dust had settled Jarn found a goblin cowering in the back of the camp, seemingly not allied with the rest of them. Jarn, being seemingly kind hearted for a living weapon, has convinced us to allow it to travel with us; his name is Grizz.
We eventually ended up inspecting the meteor closely. It was hot the to touch, and would have burned anyone not built to withstand heat like myself--but after I touched it Hitchcock seemed drawn to it. Jarn and I tried to warn him and then tried to stop him from touching it, but it seems fate would not allow us as we both failed to stop the scrawny human from touching it. Once Hitchcock did, he seemed to zone out for a sec; but after a moment--the meteor disappeared. In his hand, there was a small purple orb. It seems somehow Hitchcock turned the meteor into a spell focus of some sort. After inspecting the orb, which appeared to be much heavier in my hands than his, I came to the conclusion that it possessed psionic magic. Hitchcock seemed confused at first, but quickly put his "enlightened" facade back up.
We began our journey back, stoping at Kember where we were informed that the farm that supplied Rachindonian Pleasure had a shortage on the essential ingredient due to some unknown complication. After much protest from me, we finally decided we would go investigate. We visited the estate at Rachindonian farms, a rather tasteful place, and spoke the to the head of the Rachindonian family. I was delighted to realize that this was the supplier of one of the finer wines kept at the castle at home. Overall the estate, while still not near the quality of my home, was a very nice place that reminded me of home.
After speaking to the Head Cheese Master, we deduced that the goods were being lost on transit somewhere along the river; we immediately set out to get to the bottom of this issue. We soon came across a few teenagers on a raft and questioned them. To their misfortune--they responded to our question with a taunting joke towards Jarn, who quickly leaped onto their boat and scared the souls out of them. Once Jarn was finished questioning them, his leap back to the shore capsized their raft to the humor of all of us. We soon came upon a splintered wood and crates in the water, and confirmed that they were the ones we were looking for with a blessing from Vygrata. Conveniently enough, our culprit was sitting right on the crates--a massive hill giant.

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  1. Princess Rebana Uzara
  2. Nyvesta Armadur
  3. Mysterious Meteor
    15th of Trintos, 1801
  4. Vallatus Uzara