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Tue 27th Oct 2020 08:38

Nyvesta Armadur

by Prince Vallatus Uzara

Nyvesta, the first person to treat me like a normal person instead of treating me with fear or hatred. She is my best friend and the one I hope to spend my life with when I am ready to settle down. When we were very young I spent most days hanging out with her; whether we were studying, playing, or getting into trouble. I spent a quite a few nights spending the night at her house as her parents found more time to care for me than my own parents did most of the time. Although, our fun couldn't last forever; once we were teenagers we both had responsibilities put on us. I was occupied with combat training, worship, and studying; while she was primarily distracted with her worship of Lunaros, as she soon became a cleric. Although we still did all we could to make time for each other whenever we could. Once I started fighting, she would come and patch me up after fights; I often looked forward to the aftermath of the fight because of this. As we got older, my ambitions grew fiercely and I wanted to roam the world and become stronger, but Nyvesta didn't want me to leave. I offered to take her with me but she didn't want to disappoint her parents by running away. When my father told me that he had arranged a marriage between Nyvesta and I, I knew it was my last chance to see the world while I was young, although I feel like an idiot for waiting till the last minute to make my decision. I ran away the night before the wedding after telling Nyvesta what I was doing, where I was going, and why. I told her that she should think about the consequences before she follows me; and that one day I will come back to be with her no matter what. I have never felt more pain than when I turned around to see the heartbreak in her eyes as I left; it still pains me every day. But I have hope that she is searching for me, and will join me soon.

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  1. Princess Rebana Uzara
  2. Nyvesta Armadur
  3. Mysterious Meteor
    15th of Trintos, 1801
  4. Vallatus Uzara