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Sat 17th Aug 2024 06:57

Of ghosts and mad undead clerics

by Khemed

So. this damn graveyard has more than just skeletons and zombies...
We just turned a bunch of those damn things into plain bones and regular immobile piles of meat when Fearia decided we should probably check the statues at the front of the chapel to see if there was a statue there of some guy named Lanesh Vogel or something? no idea who the guy is, but she seemed to think if he was there then so might this helmet we're looking for.
fine, whatever. So me and the Elf, his name is Erric apparently, sneak out to have a look.
we haven't stepped 10 feet out of the chapel when I just KNOW something isn't right and I duck back just in time to dodge some sort of, I don't know... ghost? apparition?
Turns out the fuckers were hiding in the statues, probably just waiting for someone to wander by like the city's most convenient snack. We barely managed to call for help and alert the others before the blasted things utterly started to swarm us.
Not gonna lie, I'm pretty quick on my feet and can usually avoid anything trying to get to me but there were so damn many of them I thought I was well and truely screwed.
Lucky for me, that absolute unit of a half orc Princess had other plans and she charges the ghosts like some sort of damn lunatic. I was uunder the impression she was supposed to be some sort of paladin? I don't think i've ever seen one them act like this.
Honestly, if it wasn't for her I'd probably not be around writing this now, I don't know why she decided to stick her neck out for me like that. No one's ever done that, gotta be some angle she's trying to work here that i'm not seeing yet.
Anyway, she goes to town on the fuckers with that shiny new blade of hers, does an absolute number on the damn things too, far more than the more mundane items some of the rest of the group was carrying so I guess that's something to keep in mind for the future.
after we get through with getting rid of the damn ghosts it seemed princess wasn't quite done with her bloodlust and she just launches herself off of the raised area next to the church and absolutely obliterates this one lone zombie just standing there minding his own business.
Look, I don't like the undead either, dead things should just... you know, stay dead? but that just seems a bit much. Maybe Fearia can talk some sense into her when we're done here, assuming we live that long anyway.
woman might be naive as shit but she has a way with words and by and large seems to just radiate calmness, can't tell if it's an act or if she's genuinely just always this calm.
So when all the killing? re-deading? is done we check the statues only to realise this Lanesh guy isn't amongst the statues so we retreat back into the chapel and after some discussion its decided to check out the area downstairs.
For some reason Fearia decided it would be best if half the group goes in all but blind down there in the darkness which I still think is absolutely insane. I had and still have a perfectly good shielded lantern, sure. it does increase the risk of our detection somewhat, but I say that far outweighs half of us not being able to see a damn thing down there.
In any case, we go down there and I can't see a damn thing but we eventually get to a set of doors. I forgot who it was that got there first but I think it was Erric and me, we hear someone on the other side of the door and someone gets overly excited and just damn near plows through the lot of us.
I still can't see a damn thing so I strike out with a fist only to hit what I now know was the shoulder plate of princess' armour, that'll leave a mark but it could have ended far worse.
Turns out this gideon fellow was inside the room and Princess is NOT happy to see him. Not sure if this just added to the anger she was already feeling or if everything up to this point was essentially caused by this guy.
I don't like what I'm hearing so I squeeze in past and behind Princess so I can have a look at what's going on and that's roughly when EVERYTHING went to shit.
this guy Gideon, not sure who he was in the past? some priest or cleric based on what he was wearing and what I overheard at his house earlier. I guess Princess knew him pretty well? he tried talking to us about helping him and she was NOT having it. if it wasn't for Fearia, the damn druid and me I'm sure Princess would have ripped his head off of his shoulders before you could ask about what's for breakfast. I thought most of us were roughly on the same page you know, after all, what Gideon had been writing about this Zariel person made sense. The gods are full of shit and there is no telling what they're hiding in their fancy light.
Well, turns out Fearia and Princess most definitely DID NOT agree with any of that. I'm not one for all their theological debates but as I listened to Fearia and Gideon go back and forth for a while it became quite clear that Zariel may have a point when it comes to the god, she herself and by extention this gideon person is absolutely no better, in fact they may be even worse. I don't understand all of what's going on, and there's implications here I don't like. I'm pretty sure the rest of this group know more about why the city is in Avernus than they've let on so far, I can't tell if they're partially responsible for it but it almost sounded like the damn hellriders and companions at least did SOMETHING that may be related to why the city is here.That would make them at least partially responsible by association? I dunno.... Princess did stick her neck out for me so I gotta at least hear them out on this and figure out what the hell is going on.
Regardless, hearing what Zariel and Gideon were actually about just showed me once again none of these damn outsiders can be trusted not to want to absolutely screw over mortals so I let go of Princess, I figured she'd launch herself at him as soon as she could so I took a few steps back and took out my crossbow, this piece of shit needed to die and I'll be damned if I didn't at least get a shot in.
I'm not entirely sure what happened after this because it was a lot in no time flat, I fired my bolt, princess got loose and with that everything just got messy.
Before I had time to even fire a second shot this skull thing and some more ghosts floated in and we all got hit by a fireball or something, it really messed me up good so I take another quick shot at Gideon and bolt out of that room.
I took a few more shots from the shadows outside but mostly tried to stay out of dodge so I didn't see who ended up killing Gideon but in the end it looks like we managed to kill him and get rid of the other undead.
looks like we're taking a quick breather now before pushing on. I think most of the group is getting close to exhaustion at this point, not sure about the others but I HURT. Gotta keep up the pretense though, no sense in letting them see just how badly messed up I am in case they turn on me, just the same. I think I'll hang back a little just in case.

Khemed's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Getting the hell out of Avernus
    13 Aug 2024 01:48:45
  2. So, teamwork eh?
    13 Aug 2024 02:02:53
  3. Of ghosts and mad undead clerics
    17 Aug 2024 06:57:44

The major events and journals in Khemed's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 19

11:04 am - 20.08.2024

Session 19

11:04 am - 20.08.2024

Didn't get killed by ghosts or a fireball

whooo! I may smell like burned bacon wrapped in leather but i'm still alive. Up yours Gideon.

07:45 pm - 17.08.2024

Of ghosts and mad undead clerics

So. this damn graveyard has more than just skeletons and zombies... We just turned a bunch of those damn things into plain bones and regular immobile piles of meat when Fearia decided we should probably check the statues at the front of the chapel to see...

07:31 pm - 17.08.2024

So, teamwork eh?

Right, so... Followed the whole lot into the other parts of the city. Was surprisingly easy to do. I guess they weren't expecting to be followed. Bastards went straight to the big fancy cathedral fortress of the city bigwigs. not great but I suppose that...

02:30 pm - 13.08.2024

Getting the hell out of Avernus

So, it's been a few days since everything went to hell. Literally from what I understand. I've never been much for gods, demons, devils and any other type of "outsider". After all, where were the gods when mom had to escape her slavery down south? where ...

02:01 pm - 13.08.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Khemed.

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