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Tue 13th Aug 2024 01:48

Getting the hell out of Avernus

by Khemed

So, it's been a few days since everything went to hell. Literally from what I understand.
I've never been much for gods, demons, devils and any other type of "outsider". After all, where were the gods when mom had to escape her slavery down south? where were the gods when she fell ill after giving birth to me? where were the gods when she died and I was left alone to fend for myself in Athkatla?
useless bastards the lot of them, and aint nobody gonna convince me that you have to be worthy for them to give a crap about you. no, screw that, how's a small child or an escaped slave supposed to do that?
and from what little I know, demons, devils and others don't even pretend to be all nice and good about their intentions, unless they think they can get something out of you by offering something in return.
In the end, if you want to get anything done, you have to do it yourself, these so called immortals will either try to manipulate you or simply ignore you.
With that in mind, this whole damn city now being in what i'm told is called Avernus, not great. not great at all.
I had been stuck in the docks district since we got here, and these damn devils had the place locked up good and tight from what I could tell, no way would I have been able to get past the bridge guards by myself. The high and mighty hell riders seemed to be too busy with their own concerns and their fancy fortress to worry about the little folk, so they're about as useful as a sack of sand in the desert.
The big lady said our group wouldn't be able to get us out of here by themselves neither, but she had heard word of a group of people that seemed to be doing..... something and it might be worth checking in with them, perhaps a mutually beneficial arrangement could be reached.
Wouldn't you know it? they even managed to clear the guards off of the bridge, even if its only temporarily so I figured I'd go and follow them, see where they end up going and perhaps I can be of a little help to get us all out of here.
Bit concerning that the big scary looking lady in the group seems to be wearing hell rider insignia though, especially since i've started noticing it on some of the devils. gotta keep an eye on that.

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  1. Getting the hell out of Avernus
  2. So, teamwork eh?
  3. Of ghosts and mad undead clerics