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Tue 13th Aug 2024 02:02

So, teamwork eh?

by Khemed

Right, so... Followed the whole lot into the other parts of the city. Was surprisingly easy to do. I guess they weren't expecting to be followed.
Bastards went straight to the big fancy cathedral fortress of the city bigwigs. not great but I suppose thats what I should have expected given what I was already told.
followed them down to some sort of sublevel where they were having a conversation with some priest lady. tried getting closer but accidentally stepped on some loose stones and gave myself away, absolutely embarassing mistake that was.
Needless to say I got jumped by the biggest goddamn halforc i've ever seen, the one I was talking about earlier. All muscle and tall as a damn mountain, apparently her name is Princess? I don't know who named her that but damn that must have been some sort of cruel joke, who does that?!
Regardless, she aint so bad. What's worse was the damn Elf skulking arouund in her shadows. At least I think it's an Elf? seen a few of the regular woodsy types with their haughty manners, but this one is different.
first thing she does is start prying her filthy damn fingers in my very mind, the nerve of that lady, think her name is Hayley or some shit. If I ever get the chance I'll have to go through her private shit and see how she likes it when people go rifling through her most precious belongings.
Anyway, after the rest of the group show up, some elf with a bow who's name I haven't caught or maybe I forgot and some sort of dude dressed in blacks with a weird looking sword.
Seems they were joined by some new lady, Fearia or something? not sure if the name is supposed to be an attempt at intimidation or not, either way she tried to calm things down and got all touchy feely. Didn't understand half of what she was talking about but she had the airs of one of them fancy upper class folks.
Didn't like how she was all like "pitty the poor little man, we should take care of him" but hey, food is food.
Well, turns out these guys do seem to be working on something that may or may not get the city out of Avernus. Thought it was better than nothing and it sounded like they had some sort of plan.
Something involving a helmet from the gods maybe? seems a little naive if you ask me but I don't have any better ideas yet. Will have to keep the bosses idea in mind but they seemed a little hesitant about the whole "underground groups" working together with them.
you'd think they never saw just how usefull a well run thieves guild can be, perhaps I can bring it up at a more opertune time.
After a nights sleep and some more food we headed off to the graveyard, because where else would you put a magic helmet? the damn graveyard. And wouldn't you know it? its infested with the walking dead. good times.
took us a while to get there because the damn elf seems to have some sort of pastry obsession and wanted to get second breakfast or something? I think even that lady Fearia was getting a bit fed up with it but she was too polite to say something about it.
Turns out the guy with the bow knows some neat tricks to help move around a city without being seen, should see if I can either learn how to do that or otherwise recruit him. would be a useful asset, especially if the damn orb in the sky goes back to doing what it's supposed to do.
anyway, graveyard. yeah so turns out these guys know someone who lives there? Seriously, even in the best of times, why would you want to live there? City is full of the weirdest folk if you ask me.
turns out their friend? buddy? acquintance? is missing, his place was a mess from what I could see. I stayed outside to keep watch while the rest of the guys had a look around.
Fearie found some letter or journal or whatever left by the guy. didn't hear everything but there was something about a Zariel? Zahariel? I guess she turned away from the gods because she was concerned about what the gods were hiding in the light. Makes sense to me. Gods are no better after all and you can't trust those fuckers not to want to pull a fast one on you. No idea what became of this Zariel person but I think she had the right idea about not trusting the gods at least.
We snuck into the church after everyone was satisfied their buddy wasn't there. Everything was bloody broken with the exception of 1 single piece of stained glass, unusual, and everyone seemed to want to have a look at it, I figured i'd have a quick look around and make sure we were alone while everyone was doing that.
found a mirror that seemed to have been deliberately smashed, not sure why someone would want to do that considering the cost of those damn things but oh well.
Oh yeah, before I forget, we found something else that made princess and fearia all excited and they started mumbling about their religious nonsense followed by princess pulling a great big honking fancy sword out of a window? weird shit, you'd think if you could do that you would try for gold instead, you can always buy a sword after all.