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Peepo LeHonque

A chaos-touched goblin clown with a penchant for mischief, gold, and sweet pastries.

Campaign & Party

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The major events and journals in Peepo's history, from the beginning to today.

Confirmed Dhungar Stole My Shiniest Rock

REEEEEEE!!! (Translated: I will use my powers to find him and destroy him. When I'm done, the name "Dhungar" will be utterly lost to the sands of time.)

08:24 pm - 23.10.2021

We somehow managed to defeat an entire gang of fire giants. The snake man died. I feel bad for his children...

08:37 pm - 02.08.2021

Turned 9

Wild Magic turned me into a goblet. Damn it!

06:33 pm - 01.08.2021

We fought a big, scary fire giant in a huge forge. I tore his mind to shreds!

06:29 pm - 01.08.2021

We rescued a sackful of gnoll pups. I think the snake man plans to eat most of them.

11:27 pm - 08.07.2021

One day, I'll find Dhungar. He'll pay for stealing my favorite rock.

04:26 pm - 27.06.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Peepo.

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Other Characters by mike21290