Cathlynn Strongbow | World Anvil

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Cathlynn Strongbow

Cathlynn Strongbow and her sister Cuuthalion grew up in a diverse and accepting Doriath, part of a harmonious blended family with two half-human brothers. Their lives took a dark turn after a traumatic incident at a village fair, leading to their departure from home and their family's disintegration. The twins, navigating hardships in the world of Nehwon, pursued their individual paths - Cathlynn in Druidic arts and Cuuthalion as a Paladin warrior, both grappling with an inherited addiction to Fever Few and staying connected through sporadic letters.

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The major events and journals in Cathlynn Strongbow's history, from the beginning to today.

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Cathlynn Strongbow.

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