Beotar Heinthou | World Anvil

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Beotar Heinthou
The Drunk, The Hopeful

Lawful Good Mountain Dwarf (Dagenpeak Exile)
Life Cleric 18
5456321 / 5456321 HP

Beotar Heinthou is a Mountain Dwarf hailing from the northern city of Dagenpeak. Due to unfortunate events, Beotar was banished and now travels the world with his companions.

The major events and journals in Beotar's history, from the beginning to today.

God, I just love ale. I don't know why were collecting these shards things or whatever, but as long as I get to drink to my inevitable end, I'll be just fine.

18th Nona, 7987 QE

Trying not to cry... again

18th Nona, 7987 QE

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Beotar.