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Countess of Thundertree Keisha Aevylmar

Happy go lucky, caring and passionate

The Deadfire
Mon 27th Apr 2020 09:26

4th of Eleasias PARTIEEEEE

by Countess of Thundertree Keisha Aevylmar

4th of Eleasias
Oh, yesterday was so much fun! I never managed to get a hold of Berkanas, she wasn't in her tower, but rather in the palace, and I didnt feel like it was proper to intrude there. Me end Nemeia spent some time outside the north gate, working on some of our spells. She really seems like an odd one that one. Jumping around after rabbits? Not sure what she was doing. But it did give me time to work on my idea, with the help of the core I should be able to make some sort of energy connection if a bane is close enough. Hopefully it will work and come in handy. I'm not to sure about the range tho, gonna have to test that out properly.
Duotone had someone she wanted to meet, but didnt find. Something secret. She seems a bit weird about it. I'm starting to think that the secret part of isn't really something all to serious. She seems to be a bit aloof, unused to the ways of people.
The day of swords went good, we made good money with Clovis food. Lord Vestra approached me tho, apparently worried about me being in a company. Men always seem to worry so much. Just because i am young woman, doesn't mean I can't take care of myself. But he made me promise to tell my family, so i will have to get to thundertree at some point, talk to my father about it. Shouldn't be to much of a deal, he has always encouraged me to follow my dreams. And besides, he never was able to say no to me.
*party stuff happened, i dont really remember much*
The next day I woke up with the most wonderful hangover! My head hurt, my throat hurt, my feet hurt. It was glorious! The partying through the streets was amazing, and the Performance Check was of course superb as usual. I smiled all through the day after that, but glad that I could spend the day in the saddle to rest my feet a bit after all that dancing. Clovis ofcourse treated us with a great breakfast, before we went on our way south east of Neverwinter, as the others wanted to track down the criminals and the box they had stole. I still think it is a bad idea, waste of time and something that probably is just going to come back and bite us in the behind.

Keisha's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

The major events and journals in Keisha's history, from the beginning to today.

4th of Eleasias PARTIEEEEE

4th of Eleasias Oh, yesterday was so much fun! I never managed to get a hold of Berkanas, she wasn't in her tower, but rather in the palace, and I didnt feel like it was proper to intrude there. Me end Nemeia spent some time outside the north gate, worki...

09:26 am - 27.04.2020

2nd of Eleasias What is going on?!

2nd of Eleasias WHAT IS GOING ON?! They decided they wanted to look into this Marteno guy, so we all went to the Silver Hydra. Clovis talked to the bartender, then went behind some curtains. Nemeia started talking with a pink tiefling, who she ended up r...

09:25 am - 27.04.2020

1st of Eleasias Encountering the Banes

1st of Eleasias So, last night I had my first encounter with the Bane’s! They had a very pretty shimmer about them, but they were not nice at all. They killed a lot of the people from the caravan, and scared away the rest. Only four of us remained afte...

09:24 am - 27.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Keisha.

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