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1st of Eleasias

1st of Eleasias Encountering the Banes

by Countess of Thundertree Keisha Aevylmar

1st of Eleasias
So, last night I had my first encounter with the Bane’s! They had a very pretty shimmer about them, but they were not nice at all. They killed a lot of the people from the caravan, and scared away the rest. Only four of us remained after the battle. Another halfelf, Eleyna, the human man Clovis, who just kept saying such odd things, who also seems very obsessed with his cooking, and the tielfing Nemeia. Eleyna seemed very scared during the fight, I think I will have to keep an eye on her so she, she did get quite hurt. The others seemed to fare better. Nemeia wielded some powerful fiery magics, but as Berkanas told us, the Banes are very resistive creatures. My blade mostly struck through them, not really striking true. I have got to find a way to change that. We met another man out there in the morning, he seemed very nice, but he wasn't, he stole from me and Clovis. William, Apparently he and his men were some kind of outlaws. Commander Dalton told us about them, but he didn't seem to want to tell us much about it. Why are they all so secretive about it? Both he and Berkanas just held everything to themselves. How am I supposed to help them if they don't tell me what's going on?
But oh well, we started our very own company! And that's amazing. I knew I would find good friends to save the world with. After the day of swords of course. One last big party after we get serious. It is probably a very long road ahead, and many banes and other fantastic beasts to battle along it. We can afford a bit of fun before that.
Hm. The Bane’s dropped some sort of crystal when they were slain. It was resonating with some sort of chaotic energy. They say that there is no way to know where the Banes are going to show up, but if they are built of this magical source, it should be possible to use the crystals to create some sort of sensor, like a compass perhaps. To be able to sense them, to make sense of them. Why are they here? What is their purpose? They are not simply attacking, but they are doing so with intent. They actually ran away from me, to go after the commoners. It seemed like their goal was to just kill as many as possible, and that we showed too much resistance to be worth the struggle. I wonder if they feed on the kills somehow. Like they fed on His power. And if so, what are they using that power for? These were just small minions, if I have understood it correctly. But then, who is controlling them? And for what purpose? What will they do with all that power? Is this only the beginning? I really hope that arcanist Berkana know more than she told us. Surely she does. She studied under Theo! Maybe I should travel to Waterdeep to speak to him instead. Surely he would tell me about it. I have to learn more..

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  1. 1st of Eleasias Encountering the Banes
    1st of Eleasias
  2. 2nd of Eleasias What is going on?!
  3. 4th of Eleasias PARTIEEEEE