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Mon 27th Apr 2020 09:25

2nd of Eleasias What is going on?!

by Countess of Thundertree Keisha Aevylmar

2nd of Eleasias
WHAT IS GOING ON?! They decided they wanted to look into this Marteno guy, so we all went to the Silver Hydra. Clovis talked to the bartender, then went behind some curtains. Nemeia started talking with a pink tiefling, who she ended up running away down the streets with, somehow they ended up in the Vensala Manor, bound to two chairs, while Elayna and I followed Clovis as he walked of with some random guys from behind the curtains. We followed them all the way out of the city, and along the walls, we found Marteno and Vilario, as they were just about to have a duel. But all the sudden they both stopped and Clovis just escorted Marteno back to the Vensala Manor. We for some reason got paid money for bringing Marteno home. He walked there himself, straight up?
After spending the night, we walked down the street, and here things escalated pretty quickly. The MP’s were blocking the path, and refused to tell me what was going on. I tried to tell them i am not a commoner, but they treated me like I was a ruffian, forced me away with their spears. Three grown ass guards, against one little girl. They are the ruffians!!
Eventually, they ascended down on the homes lining the street. Commander Vynauth and fatebinder Balasar. They just dragged all the commoners out of their homes, and banded them up on three carts. So many of them. One of them broke free, and rushed the pair. They just.. turned him to dust. Just like that. Murder in the street. Completely unnecessary. Like it was nothing. Kidnapping all these people, just like that. And I could do nothing about it. I have never felt so helpless. Is this the proud and mighty empire? No wonder pops didn't want thundertree to be a part of it.
I did my best to gather the man's remains. The dust. At Least our new friend, Duotone helped out with that, and Elayna a bit as well. We gathered it and spread it out by the water. And then.. that was that.. No one spoke any further of it. Clovis started talking about food again, wanted to go to a new tavern. The Cornette’s Waves. We sat down by a table, but then all the sudden we were taken to a private room. And then all the sudden the room was in a totally different place. Apparently Clovis had spoken with someone, that wanted to talk to him. But he did not say a single word to any of us. And then we were just, walked up to this man, he called himself a prince of the principi del mare. He told us that Herald had stolen something from him. Wanted us to take it back. And take his head. He wanted us to kill him, to murder for him. And Clovis did not even flinch. No one said anything about it. Which I think was good. I am not sure that place was safe to speak freely in. But Clovis accepted the offer, and we returned to the private room, which took us back to the tavern.
And I just had to get out of there. I could not stay there any longer. What is happening?! The Vensalas are on the brink of war with the Barlera, their sons having duels outside of the city walls, the pirates are hiding beneath the city, and asking us, a band of random nobodys for help with killing the leader of a band of traitors and thieves? While the empire's finest is walking through the street and murdering and chaining common folk in broad daylight. Has the world truly gone mad? The Banes are upon us, the divine gate torn asunder, the abyss spilling out into our plane, enslaving pure celestial beings. All the while, we are killing ourselves. Fighting, over what? The mighty empire, afraid of a few notions of different minded people, that just wants to be free to have their own opinion? I thought the empire was about safety. But clearly I was wrong.
Berkanas. She seemed level headed enough. For so far at least. Hopefully she is staying focused on the big task at hand. I have to earn her trust. She did study under Theodor. That has to count for something, right? I need a strong party for the time to come. I won't be able to do all this by myself. But is this really the party that I need? Are they strong enough? Are they.. good enough? I might have to keep a close eye on them. On Clovis, who seems to just.. run of in all random directions, without telling anyone. God, he is really starting to get me frustrated!
Elayna.. it seems like she needs someone to guide her. Someone that can make her feel safe. I thought I was going to be the child.. but it seems like I have to step it up.
Nemeia.. can not really put my finger on her. She speaks of nobility, of prospects of becoming a general. But she seems a bit impulsive as well. Not thinking things through properly. Not thinking of consequences. Just thinking about.. the law. What is “right”, in that sense. But not really what is.. right.
Duotone.. who is this new person even? Did Nemeia know her from before? They certainly teamed up very quickly. In the middle of a tavern. But who is she?
The whole city seems to reek of corruption, of destruction. Is it possible? Could it be an effect of the torn veil? Could it be the abyss laying a thick layer of corruption over peoples minds? Over their hearts? Or is this just how the world is? I have to learn what Berkanas have learnt!

Continue reading...

  1. 1st of Eleasias Encountering the Banes
    1st of Eleasias
  2. 2nd of Eleasias What is going on?!
  3. 4th of Eleasias PARTIEEEEE