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Caddell Griffith

Lawful Good Variant Human (City Watch / Investigator)
Wizard 10
82 / 82 HP

Caddell is a War Wizard enlisted by the Kingdom of Cormyr to track down a green dragon. He is in his late 20's and has a severe demeanor. He takes his oath to the War Wizards seriously and attempts to root out corruption from the kingdom.

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Sat 31st Dec 2022 01:27

Catch Up

by Caddell Griffith

It has been more than a week since I have journaled and I have much to tell although I suppose I should start with the largest shift in events to me; I died. I was revived rather quickly thanks to the help of a few scholars? who were present here at Candlekeep. They found a priest of Tymora, a cleric of luck revived me I am unsure how I feel about the irony of the situation regardless.
After that I rested for a few days until I was informed that the Bucket Brigade lost the Wand of Orcus, eventually finding out it was stolen essentially by that multitude villainy Manshoon. I am now going to be working with some of the now extended group of the Bucket Brigade to go into the Astral Plane to fetch the Wand back assisted by Elminster.
Marsember is also under assault. It seems to be holding out well for the moment but how long that will last I do not know. I personally made a deal with the town to the north of the city that were being bullied into being neutral in the conflict. They will support us as long as when the time of their crisis arises I am there to help and shepherd its people to safety. This is a weighty burden I put upon myself but I must as that town needed protecting and its people needed the security the walled city of Marsember can provide.
On the other hand the other contingent of the Bucket Brigade will be tracking down the remnants of the Sharn cultists I believe as they need not arcane or divine magics to bolster their offense against them. I will endeavor to be more with cataloging my thoughts of the day in the days to come as I will need all notes and my wits about me to face the coming threats I believe.

Caddell's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. My New Assignments
    23 Jan 2021 06:05:19
  2. A Long Night
    23 Jan 2021 06:08:28
  3. The Alaphorn
    23 Jan 2021 06:14:56
  4. Shar Cultists
    23 Jan 2021 06:18:59
  5. Those Sahaugin Bastards!
    23 Jan 2021 06:50:30
  6. Suspicious Subterfuge
    23 Jan 2021 11:07:45
  7. Down the Hole
    23 Jan 2021 11:19:09
  8. Revelations
    23 Jan 2021 11:38:56
  9. Reports
    24 Jan 2021 04:09:42
  10. Spies and Subtlety
    13 Mar 2021 03:28:26
  11. The Thunder of the Coming Storm
    29 May 2021 10:30:27
  12. Candlekeep
    29 May 2021 10:41:24
  13. Catch Up
    31 Dec 2022 01:27:47

The major events and journals in Caddell's history, from the beginning to today.

Catch Up

It has been more than a week since I have journaled and I have much to tell although I suppose I should start with the largest shift in events to me; I died. I was revived rather quickly thanks to the help of a few scholars? who were present here at Candl...

01:27 am - 31.12.2022


She is safe. My daughter is well. Her smile lifts my heart from the deep fear filled place it was. I do not know anything about this "Chosen of a God" phenomenon that this Elminster speaks of but it doesn't matter. She is safe, she maintains her peace, an...

10:41 pm - 29.05.2021

The Sound of Thunder

It seems we stumbled onto something we were not prepared for. We finished off the rogue but it turns out he was nothing but a traitor to begin with. An Abishai sworn to Tiamat in service to her to find passage into the Giant' tomb. The giant was stymied b...

10:29 pm - 29.05.2021

Spies and Subterfuge

We encountered Sir Sleepsalot today. How? I do not know. He poisoned all of our meals I resisted the effects but the others were not so fortunate. It seems he was a spy for a well known crime family and was suffering from "amnesia". I am not exactly sure ...

03:27 am - 13.03.2021


The party and I finished with the Sharran hideout, at least for the time being, and reported back to the church of Lathander. We informed them along with the cleric Artemis' help of the dangers down there and if they needed assistance in purging the place...

04:09 pm - 24.01.2021


After speaking to the Church of Lathander we were able to enlist the aid of one of the churches devout, a cleric by the name of Artemis. We travelled back down the shaft into the cultists hideout and we fiercely fought against the cultists. While we preva...

11:38 pm - 23.01.2021

Down the Hole

We heard that there were some Dragon Cultists looking for a Shar Cultist hideout as it may have information in finding the dragon. We found that hideout and went down the long shaft deep underground. We ran into quite a bit of trouble while we were down t...

11:19 pm - 23.01.2021

Suspicious Subterfuge

The barbarian and I reported in to the Alaphorn and he informed us that the cultists we had captured for interrogation were dead. Unfortunately, we did not get any information from the ne'er-do-wells. The Alaphorn also informed me I was to report to a cit...

11:07 pm - 23.01.2021

Those Sahaugin Bastards!

That was an interesting fight. We all nearly died. If I hadn't been able to hold their Barron and the Dragonborn hadn't showed up out of no where we would have....

06:50 pm - 23.01.2021

Shar Cultists

We were after a lead for the dragon's whereabouts and were beset on all sides by enemies. We prevailed, but just barely. We were able to capture two assassins and a cultist. We will be delivering them to the Alaphorn....

06:18 pm - 23.01.2021

The Alaphorn

I reported in to the head Alaphorn of Marsember and told him of the progress that was made in the search for the green dragon. After receiving information about my task I was informed that the dwarf's whole religious sect was under scrutiny and investigat...

06:14 pm - 23.01.2021

A Long Night

A witch beguiled the sneaky one in his sleep despite my preparations to keep the party safe....

06:08 pm - 23.01.2021

My New Assignments


06:04 pm - 23.01.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Caddell.

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